How much vitamin C should I take?

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Hello doctor. I want to ask about the use of vitamin C. Previously, I used vitamin C tablets at a dose of 1000mg, I took them daily, continuously for 1 month. The doctor asked me if I used it like that was an overdose? I have stopped drinking for 3 weeks now. I am wondering to use vitamin C 500mg dose of Australia. Doctor, can I use it like this? How much vitamin C should I take? Looking forward to consulting your doctor.
Hoang Nhu Quynh (1995)
Don't know if you take Vitamin C supplements because of diseases caused by Vitamin C deficiency or for the purpose of preventing vitamin C deficiency? Because your information is not complete, I give the information below for your reference.
If you are needing to take vitamin C to treat a disease, the dose of Vitamin C can be taken from 250mg to 1g / day or more depending on your specific medical condition, and the length of medication will depend on your medical condition.
If just for prevention, the recommended dose for your age (female) is 75mg/day.
Taking vitamin C supplements just for prevention with large amounts may have some undesirable effects such as:
Excess vitamin C will be excreted through the urine causing acidification of the urine. This increases the risk of precipitation of crystals such as oxalate, urate, and cysteine ​​and stone formation, especially in men. Large amounts of Vitamin C (in grams) can affect the results of some tests, cause some gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, bloating, ...) To supplement vitamin C, you should increase it increase the use of foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, lemons and some other vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, strawberries....
Thank you for your question to the System. Medical Vinmec . Best regards!
Pharmacist Nguyen Huy Khiem - Clinical pharmacist - Faculty of Pharmacy - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
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