How long is enough deep sleep?

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The average person spends 1/3 of their life sleeping. Without quality sleep or not getting enough sleep, vital bodily functions cannot take place and cause serious health effects.

1. The role of sleep

Sleep is one of the important activities of life and death for humans. Sleep has the meaning of regeneration and recovery, helping to relieve stress and improve the ability to think and remember information.
Two factors that affect sleep quality are the duration and depth of sleep. A quality sleep is considered when you sleep deeply enough and long enough to allow time for recovery and regeneration.
Stages of 1 sleep
Normally, a sleep will fall from 3 to 6 cycles, each cycle consists of 5 stages.
The lulling phase (NREM 1) : The first non-blinking phase, accounting for 2-5% of sleep time (about 10 minutes). This is the stage when you begin to fall asleep, but are easily awakened. Light, deep and very deep sleep (NREM 2,3 and 4): accounts for nearly 80% of sleep time. Heart rate tends to decrease and body temperature also gradually decreases. The dream stage (REM): The blinking phase is the stage when dreams are formed, the body secretes hormones that paralyze the limbs. Usually 20% of sleep time. After each cycle ends, the body sends us back to NREM 1 to start a new cycle that lasts about 90-120 minutes. The ideal number of cycles for an ideal sleep is 4-6 cycles and takes place without interruption.

Mỗi giấc ngủ lý tưởng sẽ khoảng từ 4-6 chu kỳ không gián đoạn
Mỗi giấc ngủ lý tưởng sẽ khoảng từ 4-6 chu kỳ không gián đoạn

2. What is deep sleep?

During sleep, your body goes through many changes, in which deep and very deep sleep is in the NREM stage 3 and 4. At this time, your eyes will not move much, brain waves take place very slowly and are called delta waves, the body's temperature, heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure all decrease. The musculoskeletal system also relaxes and sags, helping the body to rest almost completely.
If someone wakes you up you will feel disoriented for a few minutes. It takes a few minutes for the brain to function normally again.
How long is enough deep sleep?
During deep sleep, many activities still take place in the body and mind, including:
Remembering and rearranging memories in the brain. Realize the learning and emotional process. Restoration and regeneration of the body. Promote metabolism, balance blood sugar. Increase the immune system. Brain detoxification. In healthy adults, deep sleep accounts for about 13-23% of sleep. So if you sleep for 8 hours, the deep sleep time should be about 60-120 minutes. However, this also depends on age, the older you get, the more difficult it will be for you to get a good night's sleep.

Tuổi tác càng cao khiến bạn càng khó ngủ sâu giấc
Tuổi tác càng cao khiến bạn càng khó ngủ sâu giấc

3. Effects of lack of sleep

Similar to food and water, quality sleep is important for health and for humans to survive and thrive. Some side effects of lack of sleep, not getting enough sleep include:
Hormonal imbalance, obesity: when lack of sleep, the body secretes a large amount of hormone Ghrelin, which causes appetite, combined with the lack of sleep. Fatigue causes weight gain. Immune system deficiency: internal bleeding, allergies, stomach bleeding. If you sleep less than 6 hours a day, or sleep is light, often interrupted, there is a 46% increased risk of death from hypertension, cardiovascular disease and 15% increased risk of stroke. Loss of memory, loss of concentration, difficulty controlling emotions: reducing quality of life and work. Poor balance, increased risk of accidents. The lack of sleep, not enough sleep makes the brain fall into a state like drunkenness, loss of concentration and easy accidents that affect others.

4. How to get a good night's sleep

Choose the right time to sleep
The human body is most effectively regenerated and restored when sleep is in tune with the hormone cycle. Specifically, from 10-12 o'clock at night, the body will secrete a large amount of Melatonin to help restore the immune system, restore free radicals, help lose weight and limit the growth of cancer cells.
So depending on the different times of the year, you should limit yourself to between 9-12 pm so that sleep can synchronize with the hormone cycle more effectively.

Thời điểm tốt nhất để cơ thể phục hồi là khoảng từ 9-12 giờ đêm
Thời điểm tốt nhất để cơ thể phục hồi là khoảng từ 9-12 giờ đêm

Do not use electronic devices 90 minutes before going to bed.
Using electronic devices before bed causes the body to secrete less Melatonin hormone but also secrete more Cortisol causing stress, disrupting the natural sleep cycle. So instead of using electronic devices, you should read books or chat with people to completely relax your brain and relax. This is the most guaranteed measure to improve everyone's sleep quality after only 1-2 days of application.
Method of deep sleep 4 hours:
Step 1: Lie on your back on the bed, relax the muscles on your face (tongue, jaw, muscles around the eyes, relax the eye sockets). Step 2: Lower your shoulders as low as possible (helps stretch shoulders and relieve pressure on the neck area). Relax the upper and lower arms on one hand and then the other. Do the same with 2 hands and fingers. Step 3: Exhale and relax your chest, then inhale until your lungs are full of air. Step 4: Relax your legs, release the pressure on your thighs, then relax your calves and finally focus on relaxing on your feet and ankles. Step 5: Clear your mind with the following visualizations: the scene where you are relaxing in the middle of a calm lake, above your head is a clear, blue sky. Or imagine you curled up in a soft velvet hammock in a completely dark room. The average healthy adult gets about 1-2 hours of deep sleep out of 8 hours of sleep each night. There are many ways to assess sleep quality, from personal monitoring to sleep studies. However, if you have signs of waking up tired, sluggish or not sleeping well, you should see your doctor or seek health care services for further advice and diagnosis.
Psychological Clinic - Vinmec International General Hospital is the leading prestigious facility in the country in the treatment of diseases related to psychology and mental health, including sleep disorders.
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To register for an examination at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register online HERE.
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