How long does reheated breast milk last?

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Le Thanh Cam - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
Breast milk that has been reheated or thawed can only be used for 24 hours and should be kept in the refrigerator. After this time, if the baby does not finish the milk, the mother must discard this excess milk. It is also not allowed to use this amount of milk to make yogurt from breast milk, which must be discarded.

1. How long does reheated breast milk last?

After expressed breast milk, if not used immediately, it should be stored in the refrigerator or freezer, because if left outside for too long, bacteria will penetrate, making the milk sour and important nutrients. which is also modified.
Breast milk after being removed from the refrigerator cannot be fed to the baby immediately, because cold milk will damage the baby's teeth, gums and digestive system. Therefore, the mother needs to warm up the milk before feeding the baby.
However, how long does it take for breast milk to be warmed without losing its nutrients, safe and healthy for the baby to drink... is the concern of many mothers when and intends to "store" this valuable source of nutrition for child.
Experts often recommend that, after warming breast milk, it should be used immediately and if there is leftover, it can be kept in the refrigerator for further use, but should not be left for more than 24 hours. After this time, if the baby does not finish suckling, the mother is forced to throw away the excess milk.

2. How to properly warm up breast milk

The way to warm up breast milk is relatively simple and easy as follows:
For milk stored in the refrigerator compartment, the mother takes the milk out of the refrigerator and soaks it in warm water with the water temperature reaching about 40 degrees. After a while, when the milk is no longer too cold, the mother can take it out for the baby to enjoy. Absolutely do not soak milk in too hot water because it will lose minerals in breast milk.
For breast milk stored in the freezer compartment, warming breast milk is somewhat more complicated because it still has to go through the defrosting process.
Therefore, 1 day before use, it is best to put the milk in the refrigerator to defrost but still keep the refrigerator temperature. When the milk has completely softened to a liquid form and there is no ice around it, the mother should gently shake it so that the high-fat milk layer and the clear milk layer are evenly mixed.

Cách hâm nóng sữa mẹ bảo đúng cách
Cách hâm nóng sữa mẹ bảo đúng cách
When the milk has melted, put the milk in a warmer at 40 degrees Celsius before feeding, because this is the best temperature so that the milk is not affected by heat and loses its nutrients.
Absolutely do not shake the bottle vigorously or heat it suddenly at high temperature because it will break the structure of some protective protein molecules, also known as antibodies in milk, thereby losing its natural features. of breast milk because antibodies such as lysozyme, lactoferrin, ... in milk can only promote its protective function when in the correct original molecular structure.
Feed the baby as soon as the milk is warm as required. Leftover milk cannot be put back in the refrigerator for further storage or freezing. It is also not allowed to use this amount of milk to make yogurt from breast milk, which must be discarded.

3. Is it okay if breast milk changes color and has a strange smell during storage?

Many women who breastfeed their babies will find a phenomenon that breast milk stored in the cooler or freezer compartment of the refrigerator will often have a strange smell, a fishy smell, a soapy smell or a greasy smell... and the mother thinks that If there is a problem with preserved milk, or if the mother has expressed and stored the milk incorrectly, the mother is worried...
However, the mother does not have to be too worried about this because it is simply the effects of enzymes. lipase breaks down the fats present in breast milk when breast milk is stored in a low temperature environment. However, the strange smell of milk will affect the baby's adaptation, the baby may not eat or eat less.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.
In addition, there are many mothers in the process of breastfeeding who have blocked milk ducts. When the milk duct is blocked, the mother needs to feed the baby more, actively sucking milk to let the milk out. If the condition does not improve, then you should seek the help of professional milk duct unblocking units or go to the hospital for advice from a doctor.
Currently, at Vinmec International General Hospital, spinal manipulation method is applied to treat blocked milk ducts after giving birth without using drugs. With the spinal manipulation method, the treatment technician mainly uses the fingertip software to act on the patient's back spine to adjust and open the milk glands, help clear rays, and soften the breast.
In addition to the treatment of blocked milk ducts, the spinal manipulation method also treats the following diseases:
Headache, migraine Vestibular syndrome Cerebral circulatory insufficiency, Paralysis of the 7th cranial nerve Peripheral hemiparesis cerebrovascular accident Neck and shoulder pain Shoulder periarthritis Back pain, hip pain, sciatic nerve pain Knee joint pain Disc herniation Numbness in hands and feet Stomach-reflux syndrome Bronchial asthma Sweaty feet and hands Restore breast milk supply, blocked milk ducts, lack of milk, loss of milk. For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the International General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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