How does creatine increase exercise performance?

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Creatine has an important role in improving muscle tone and increasing intense exercise performance. This is confirmed by the amount of creatine stored in muscle mass has the ability to convert into ATP to provide energy for cells.

1. What is the function of creatine?

The main role of creatine is to promote cell energy production. To understand how creatine powers cells, you need to learn about how cells produce energy.
The most basic form of energy in the cell is ATP. This is the pre-energy that the cell uses to carry out its functions. ATP will gradually decrease with intense exercise.
Going back to creatine, it is stored up to 95% in muscle mass as creatine phosphate. Creatine phosphate replenishes ATP, helping muscle cells produce more energy.
The more creatine is stored in muscle cells, the more energy will be produced in response to the demands of intense exercise. Thereby helping to improve exercise performance.
In addition to the function of producing energy, creatinine also helps increase muscle strength.

Creatine có nhiều trong tế bào cơ giúp nâng cao hiệu suất tập thể dục.
Creatine có nhiều trong tế bào cơ giúp nâng cao hiệu suất tập thể dục.

2. Creatine and intense exercise

Most studies show that creatine is effective in replenishing energy in response to intense exercise. Of which over 70% showed a positive effect, the remaining 30% showed a small or insignificant effect, no studies have shown its negative effect.
The level of physical enhancement increases on average from 1 - 15%, at high rates it takes months or even years to achieve if self-training. Creatine is said to increase training performance in intense sports such as:
Running: Significantly reduces the time to complete the 40m sprint. Cycling: 3.7% improvement in cycling endurance after 4 days of creatine supplementation. Swimming: Short-term creatine supplementation improves swimming performance, with a higher sprint speed than self-training. Soccer: Creatine improves the 5 - 15m sprint speed in soccer players. Improve sprint and jump performance in team sports.

Creatine có tác dụng tăng hiệu suất tập luyện trong bơi lội
Creatine có tác dụng tăng hiệu suất tập luyện trong bơi lội

3. Creatine and endurance sports

Creatine is the ultimate in muscle building and intense training. This is claimed to be because they provide additional ATP, which is essential in sustaining exercise over certain short periods of time (under 30 seconds), when the body needs a lot of energy to perform.
A 6-week study showed that creatine increased 15% of body weight (5kg) from weightlifting. The same study also reported a 20% increase in testosterone levels in the creatine supplement group, compared with just 5% in the no creatine group.
In college football players, creatine helps to sprint 6 seconds faster than normal and increase endurance during training sessions.

Creatine giúp tăng thêm 15% trọng lượng cơ thể (5kg) từ việc tập nâng tạ
Creatine giúp tăng thêm 15% trọng lượng cơ thể (5kg) từ việc tập nâng tạ

4. Creatine in improving endurance

Creatine has been shown to improve strength in high-intensity gymnastics much better than in moderate and low-intensity gymnastics.
A study has shown that the effect of creatine is more pronounced in high-intensity cycling than in lower-intensity cycling. This is thought to be low-intensity endurance exercises that require less rapid ATP regeneration, making the role of creatine less important.
However, creatine can definitely improve endurance for low-intensity sports over time. Therefore, it completes help for a number of such sports.

Creatine có thể cải thiện sức bền cho các môn thể thao cường độ thấp
Creatine có thể cải thiện sức bền cho các môn thể thao cường độ thấp

5. How to supplement with creatine

Creatine is supplemented through the use of creatine monohydrate supplements, with hundreds of studies showing its effectiveness and safety. They can help provide 10-40% more creatine in muscle mass, depending on the current muscle condition. If muscle mass is low then you can supplement with appropriate dosage.
Phased creatine delivery is said to be the fastest way to increase muscle mass. In it, you will take a high dose for a few days, then reduce the dose to low for maintenance. Specifically, take a dosage of 5 grams of creatine per day for 5-7 days, before switching to a maintenance dose of 3-5 grams per day. Some studies suggest that creatine supplements are more effective when taken with protein or carbs, so you should take them with meals.
Creatine has an important role in improving muscle tone and increasing intense exercise performance. Therefore, you should supplement with creatine in phases to increase muscle mass as well as protect long-term health. However, creatine supplementation should be done under the guidance of specialists.
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