How do female reproductive systems change during pregnancy

You are pregnant ? You detect your vulva has something different from usual, but you  hesitate to ask others? Female reproductive systems altered during pregnancy is a problem that every pregnant women must deal with, however, don’t be nervous, read through our article below and you may find the answers you need.

1. Changes in the clitoris, vulva, vagina during pregnancy

1.1 Leucorrhea during pregnancy is secreting more.

A sudden surge of estrogen level in a women’s body causes the female reproductive system adjusting for adaptation. This rapid hormone change doesn’t provide enough time for our body to adapt, while secreting a white, transparency or yellowish liquid with an acridity smell called Leucorrhea. Moreover, the change of hormone level has resulted in women’s physiological needs increase, hence, Leucorrhea is secreted   to conciliate and resolve physiological needs.

In the third trimester, fetus puts more pressure on the pelvis, leveling up the situation. In the last week of pregnancy, moms should be paying attention to mucus mixed with blood discharge which might indicate that you are entering the labor

Leucorrhea secreted during pregnancy is completely normal. However,  the humid environment in the vagina during pregnancy is a favorable environment for the growing of bacteria, fungi… causing inflammation. Therefore, when the color, smell and volume of Leucorrhea are abnormal, parents should be cautious and visit doctor for advice as soon as possible, some common diseases can be :
Vaginal candidiasis: yellow or green Leucorrhea, swelling vagina,  dysuria (painful urination)
Vaginitis: caused by bacteria: Itching and burning sensation when urinating with odor discharge.

When the private part is infected, the negative effect is not only targeting  the health of the mother and the development of the fetus but also increasing the risk of abortion, premature labor, intraamniotic infection or other postpartum diseases.

1.2 Change of size of vulva, vagina during pregnancy

During pregnancy,  the amount of blood circulating in the body increases by 50% to enhance the growth of the fetus. Therefore, your Labia majora, Labia minora, vagina is similar to swelling or bulging along the pregnancy. Nevertheless, this phenomena is completely normal.

Sometimes, you can also see that the Labia majora may shrink slightly, which can make the inner lip appear larger or exposed.
Moreover, the stretching of the Labia and vagina during pregnancy might stimulates sexual desire. At the same time, your partner will also feel more impassioned.

1.3 Change of color of vulva, vagina during pregnancy

Your outer and inner labia could be temporary darkening into bluish or purplish caused by the increasing of blood-flow. This change is an early signal of pregnancy and will be normal after delivery.

1.4 Varicose veins

Varicose veins are quite common during pregnancy, including on the vulva ( or external genitalia). Blood-flow increases throughout the body making a stagnant blood accumulated in the pelvis area, stretching blood vessels and creating blue, bulging veins that are more severe when standing a long time, exercise, or having sexual intercourse.

1.5 Thicker pubic hair

The estrogen concentration increases during pregnancy making your pubic hair thicker. At this time, you should avoid any approach on this sensitive area, such as using hair removal cream or waxing to avoid unnecessary complications.

1.6 Changes of Vaginal Odor During Pregnancy

Vaginal pH changes during pregnancy might lead to some slight change in the odor, creating a little acidic.
Some pregnant womens are simply more sensitive to odors, but if it was itchy or  sore, it’s fine to be calm.

1.7 Queefing

Queefing is a phenomenon in which gas is released from a woman's vagina, sometimes forming a sound like sniffing without odor.
Although it is not a signal for any bad issues, it is still not clear if pregnancy can make this phenomenon happen more often, however, it could be a combination of factors like growing belly, sex posture, exercise and the fact that pelvic floor muscles are under pressure for a long time.

1.8  Vaginal Bleeding During Pregnancy

Up to 30% of women in first trimester have harmless bleeding. One of the reasons is he increased blood supply in the uterus. 
Nevertheless, it is best to see the doctor as soon as possible if there is vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, as it might be a sign of abortion and some other pathology

2. How will the Cervix during pregnancy change?

The cervix is ​​a structure located at the back of the uterus which has the function of holding the fetus until full term. Moreover, the cervix takes on the role such a security gate in order to insure the fetus will be safe and  be healthy during pregnancy, and and it undergoes many changes throughout pregnancy such as:

2.1 In term of position

The cervix during pregnancy can be slightly higher and softer than normal especially towards the end of the first trimester. However, there are quite differences between every women. The softened uterus   due to the supplement blood by the surge of estrogen in our body is just one of many steps that your body proceed to create a space enough for a fetus to develop normally.

2.2 About density

The cervix during pregnancy will be soft, or "ripening" by 12 weeks of gestation. When the cervix becomes thicker, it produces more glandular cells so that it create the mucus plug needed to protect the fetus inside the uterus.

2.3 The formation of mucus plug during pregnancy

Mucus plug is opaque and dense, sealing the cervical opening, preventing re-fertilization and the penetration of factors which are most harmful to the fetus esspecially in ascending infection.
During labor, this mucus plug will come out with vaginal fluid with a little blood. At this time, the uterus will contract and the cervix gradually dilate caused by pressure  for the fetus to be born, then it closes after a few minutes with the contraction of the uterus in order to stop bleeding.

3. How does the Corpus uteri change during pregnancy ?

Indeed, the largest and most amazing change in a mother’s body is the uterus. At first, the uterus is about the size of an orange and deep in the pelvis,  by about 12 weeks, it is the size of a grapefruit and begins to growing outsized the pelvis. In the second trimester, the uterus is no longer lying within the pelvis, and in the third trimester, the uterus dimension may be the same size as a watermelon with a weight reaching up to 20 times comparing to an unpregnant uterus.

At the end of pregnancy, the uterus looks like a vertical oval with a big extremity on top and a small extremity at the bottom. In other words, when the fetus is large, the uterus will have a shape corresponding to the position of the baby lying inside such as: egg-shaped, heart-shaped, transverse...

After all, female reproductive systems change during pregnancy may be a signal of threatening phenomenon like abortion, aginitis… however, it can also be just a very normal and common problem happen in all other women.

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