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Articles in Vaginitis

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Itching "private area" when menstruation is a sign of pathology?
Hello doctor! I am 28 years old and married. I don’t know what disease I have, but every time my period is near, I feel itchy and sore on the outside of my vagina. After a few days of my period, the itching stops and I am back to normal.
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Vaginal pain, redness, inflammation after childbirth, what to do?
Hello doctor. I have inflammation and redness around my vulva that causes pain and burning. This symptom has appeared since I gave birth. I would like to ask the doctor for advice on what to do about vaginal pain and inflammation and redness after giving birth?
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Brown vaginal discharge 2 weeks after menstruation is a sign of pregnancy?
I am a 24 year old female. After having sex with my boyfriend for 1 day, I had my period. About 2 weeks later, I went to see a gynecologist. I was diagnosed with acute vaginitis after examining fresh vaginal discharge. The doctor gave me medicine to wash my private area. However, after 2 days, I discovered a small amount of reddish brown discharge. So, do I mean I am pregnant, doctor? I hope the doctor can answer my questions!
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What to do with white vaginal discharge with lower abdominal pain?
Dear doctor, my private area no longer has clear white discharge like before, I only see a very little white discharge, just a little. I have had this for about 3 weeks now, along with a slight pain in my lower abdomen, also for about 3 weeks now. I hope the doctor can advise me!
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How long after vaginal infection can be examined again?
Hello doctor. How long after taking vaginal inflammation medication can I go back for a check-up? I hope you can reply soon.
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Vaginal discharge a lot, uncomfortable wetness, irregular menstrual cycle, polycystic ovaries, what to do?
Hello doctor! I am 26 years old this year, I have a lot of vaginal discharge, almost every day, always wet and very uncomfortable. Usually the vaginal discharge is clear white and thin like water, but some days it is a bit lumpy and has an ivory color. I have had this condition for 9 years but do not know how to handle it. I went to see a doctor to ask about this condition but the doctor said that I have not had sex so there is no way to examine it thoroughly. The doctor only examined the discharge and examined the outside and diagnosed no inflammation or fungus. I am very worried that I have cervical erosion or more seriously, cervical cancer. If not detected and treated promptly, it is very dangerous. Currently, I also have polycystic ovary syndrome and irregular menstruation, my period only comes once every 2-3 months. So doctor, can you tell me what to do with a lot of vaginal discharge, wet and uncomfortable, irregular menstrual cycle, polycystic ovary syndrome? I hope the doctor can advise and answer. Thank you very much!
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Can I get the HPV vaccine if I have vaginitis?
I am currently suffering from vaginal inflammation caused by fungus and bacteria. Doctor, can I get the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer if I have vaginal inflammation? I hope the doctor can advise me. Thank you.
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What medicine can be used to treat gynecological inflammation while breastfeeding?
Hello doctor! I just gave birth 5 months ago, for the past 3 days my private area has been itchy, with a lot of green discharge, I also had gynecological inflammation due to candida infection. Doctor, can you tell me what medicine I can use to treat gynecological inflammation while breastfeeding?
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Canesten vaginal suppositories have any effect while breastfeeding?
Hello! Doctor, I am breastfeeding and have accidentally used a 6-day course of Canesten vaginal suppositories. Will using Canesten vaginal suppositories while breastfeeding affect the baby?
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Is it okay to have milky liquid discharge after 3 days of applying medicine to treat vaginitis?
have white lumpy vaginal discharge. When I went to see the doctor, he said it was vaginitis and gave me medicine. After three days of using the medicine, the vaginal discharge was no longer lumpy but there was still a milky liquid. So, doctor, can you tell me if there is a problem with having a milky liquid discharge after using medicine to treat vaginitis for three days? Is it effective if I use the medicine like that? Thank you, doctor.
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Is missed period due to vaginitis?
I just went to the doctor and found out I have vaginitis. However, my period is late, but I still have symptoms like breast pain. So doctor, can you tell me if my period is late because of vaginitis?
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