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Articles in Discharge

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Vaginal discharge during pregnancy
Is vaginal discharge during pregnancy a problem? This is a question of many women when they are pregnant for the first time, still surprised by the symptoms of pregnancy. Let's follow the article below to better understand vaginal discharge during pregnancy.
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Appearance of vaginal discharge after using emergency contraception
Hello doctor, I have a question about gynecology. I had sex for the first time and was on birth control pills. After 4 days of sex, I had a milky white discharge with a very unpleasant smell.
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Signs and potential complications after vacuum aspiration
Vacuum aspiration is a highly safe abortion method compared to many other abortion methods for pregnancies under 12 weeks of gestation. However, vacuum aspiration still carries a potential risk of complications, and it is important to consult a doctor.
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How do female reproductive systems change during pregnancy
You are pregnant ? You detect your vulva has something unusual, but you hesitate to ask others? Female reproductive systems altering during pregnancy is a problem that every pregnant women must deal with, however, do not be nervous, read through our article below and you may find the answers you need.
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Signs of infection after abortion
Post-abortion infection is considered a very serious complication, with sequelae not just limited to inflammation and infection of the genital tracts that might lead to infertility, but also life-threatening conditions. However, recognizing signs that may signal infections after abortion is still challenging, given that these are similar to other common conditions. Let’s take a look at possible signs that might point to post-abortion infection in the article below.
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