Gonorrhea urethritis: What you need to know

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One of the causes of urethritis is gonorrhea. Gonorrhea in general and gonorrhea urethritis in particular is a urinary tract infection caused by a bacteria called gonorrhea and has the ability to be sexually transmitted.

1. Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a urinary tract infection caused by gonococcal bacteria. Gonorrhea bacteria, scientifically known as Neisseria gonorrhoeae, shaped like coffee beans, are gram-negative bacteria, abundant in polymorphonuclear leukocytes, can combine in pairs, and are destroyed when exposed to the external environment. and when in contact with disinfectant chemicals. For patients with acute gonorrhea, the image of this bacterium will be very clear, whereas in chronic gonococcal infection, culture must be in the presence of CO2 to identify bacteria.
Gonorrhea can affect both men and women and at any age, possibly in infancy. Gonorrhea is sexually transmitted, specifically by attaching to the urethral epithelium after sexual intercourse with an infected person, or can be transmitted indirectly through certain instruments. The disease contains gonorrhea and has not been properly sterilized. In addition, during labor and delivery, if the mother is infected with gonorrhea without being detected before, it can be transmitted to the baby, causing gonorrhea conjunctivitis in the newborn baby. born.

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Một số hình ảnh bệnh lậu

For men, gonorrhea will often be acute urethritis, while for women, gonorrhea bacteria often invade and cause disease in the cervix with very poor symptoms. Some other parts that can be infected with gonorrhea are anus, rectum... When gonorrhea, it is often accompanied by a number of other diseases such as arthritis, dermatitis... Gonorrhea if detected and treated If not treated promptly, it can cause dangerous complications including infertility, ectopic pregnancy for pregnant women, Littre's gland inflammation, vasculitis, epididymitis, and seminal vesitis in men. gender...

2. Urethritis and gonorrhea

Gonorrhea urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra caused by the invasion of gonorrhea bacteria. The main cause of this condition is that men have unprotected sex with someone who has been infected with gonorrhea bacteria. Usually, gonorrhea urethritis will be acute with symptoms such as frequent urination, painful urination, pus-filled urine, edematous mouth in men, redness, sores around the mouth of the flute.
The most characteristic symptom in gonorrhea urethritis in men is the appearance of pus, yellow or green pus, a lot. The incubation period of gonorrhea bacteria in men is 3-5 days, some patients have typical manifestations of gonorrhea urethritis, which is easily confused with non-gonococcal urethritis, leading to Using the wrong treatment regimen makes the disease more and more severe, causing a total urethritis. Manifestations of gonorrhea urethritis at this stage are very dangerous such as difficulty urinating, hematuria at the end of the yard, more pus secretion, appearance of inguinal lymph nodes, swelling, pain, erection, pain when the penis is erect. . If gonorrhea urethritis is not treated properly after 1 month, it will become perennial gonorrhea, also known as chronic gonorrhea, which is dangerous for the body.

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Viêm niệu đạo do lậu

In order to diagnose gonorrhea in general and gonorrhea urethritis in men in particular, it is necessary to combine the diagnosis, clinical examination with urethritis syndrome, the appearance of pus in the urethra, etc. Some tests are needed to check. Some tests are used to diagnose gonorrhea urethritis as follows:
Direct test by staining and examining the specimen under a microscope. Culture and isolation in CO2 atmosphere, temperature 35°C- 36°C, Thayer- Martin containing Vancomycin... PCR is a new technique being applied more and more, with very high sensitivity. in the diagnosis of gonorrhea.

3. Urethritis in men and how to treat it

Gonorrhea urethritis is a rather complicated urinary tract infection, so both doctors and patients need to follow principles such as:
Treatment according to the antibiotic-sensitive status of bacteria. Treat both sex partners. Avoid sex during treatment, if necessary, use a condom. Patients need to rest during treatment, avoid participating in activities that damage the genitals. Treatment of gonorrhea is combined with treatment of post-gonococcal infections such as Chlamydia Trachomatis, streptococcal or mixed infections. Periodic examination after treatment and performing check-ups.

Sử dụng bao cao su khi quan hệ
Sử dụng bao cao su khi quan hệ

For the treatment of urethritis in men due to gonorrhea that has not caused complications, the treatment regimen includes:
Spectinomycin 2 grams, intramuscularly, single dose, or Ceftriaxone 250mg, intramuscularly, single dose can be used. . Doxycycline 100mg, 2 tablets/day for 7 days. If gonorrhea urethritis has caused complications, the treatment regimen is as follows:
Ceftriaxone 1 gram/day, intramuscular injection for 3-7 days. Doxycycline 100mg/2 tablets/day for 7 days. Some serious complications of meningitis, endocarditis, need to prolong the use of these drugs within 4 weeks.

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Người bệnh cần sử dụng thuốc theo đúng phác đồ

Gonorrhea urethritis is a type of gonorrhea, occurs mainly in men and causes bad effects on men's health, if not detected and treated early, it will leave some complications. serious illness. Therefore, it is necessary to promote education and propaganda about safe sex, more importantly, when there are signs of suspicion of gonorrhea urethritis, immediately go to a medical facility for examination and timely diagnosis.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE
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