Exercises to help flat stomach slim waist

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To have a fit body, we must exercise regularly. But sometimes we don't have enough will and time to do it. The solution to this problem is quite simple. Here are some exercises to help flat stomach and slim waist effectively and suitable for your time and work.

1. How to have a flat stomach and slim waist?

To achieve a slim waist and flat abs, you need to burn the excess fat around your body first. Many people think they can do this with a thousand sit-ups, but that's not true. In a simple two-step process, we'll show you how to combine fat burning methods, proper nutrition, and the correct combination of targeted abdominal exercises to get great results. about slim waist and flat stomach in just 30 days.
While we can't lose weight by only targeting specific areas locally, it can very well make our waists look slimmer and belly looks flatter. There are a few muscle groups responsible for our midsection, and we just need to find exercises that help isolate these muscles. Another tip is that these exercises should be done in such a way that we make these muscles strong and toned, but not big and bulky. And the exercises in this article have been specifically selected to accomplish this goal.

2. 10 simple movements to help flat stomach and slim waist

Our midsection has only 3 main muscle groups and each of them plays a specific role in shaping our waist and abdomen. If the deep transverse abdominal muscles are not strong enough, the waistline will protrude. The top sealed rectus muscle groups give us a definite 6 choices. The external and internal obliques are responsible for the shape of the waist and contribute to the hourglass figure many of us aspire to. If your goal is to have a slim waist and flat stomach, you should focus on training to tone and strengthen these muscles. That's why you need a mix of static exercises, dynamic bodyweight exercises, and stretching.
2.1. The V-Up Movement The V-Up Movement targets all abdominal muscle groups: transverse, oblique, and rectus abdominis. Steps to perform the V-up movement include:
Lie down, keep your feet flat and arms stretched overhead. Bend and lift your torso and legs off the floor, reaching with your feet. Return to the starting position. Repeat 10-12 times. If it's too hard, lift one leg at a time, alternating. 2.2. Cross-flexion The cross-flexion movement mainly affects the transverse abdominal muscle group and the rectus abdominis group. Steps to perform the diagonal bend include:
Lie flat and bend your knees. Move both hands toward the left thigh and reach the knee. Return to the original position. Repeat this movement on the right side. Repeat 10-12 times on each side. 2.3. Side bend with balance ball Side bend with balance ball is highly effective for external and internal obliques, because ball instability forces the body to make maximum use of these muscle groups . The steps to perform the side bend with the balance ball include:

Gập bên hông với bóng thăng bằng có hiệu quả cao đối với các động tác xiên bên ngoài và bên trong
Gập bên hông với bóng thăng bằng có hiệu quả cao đối với các động tác xiên bên ngoài và bên trong
Lie on your side with your right hip resting on an exercise ball. Place your left foot behind your right, using a wall if you need extra support. Place your hands behind your head for support, but try not to pull during the exercise. Bend up, lifting the upper body up. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10-12 times. Switch sides and repeat 10-12 times on the other side. 2.4. Abdominal crunch with a balance ball The exercise with a balance ball mainly works on the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles. Steps to perform crunches with a balance ball include:
Choose a ball that fits so that when sitting on it, your legs form a 90° angle. Sit on the ball and move your legs forward so that your lower back rests on the ball. Put your hands behind your head for support. Contract, engage your core muscles in the movement, and slowly return to the starting point. Repeat 10-12 times. Make sure you don't pull your head with your hands so that the abs are the main muscle group working. 2.5. Plank movement with extended hips Surely for those who love exercise, they all "like" plank movements. The high plank with the hips extended takes this exercise to the next level and targets the transverse, external and internal obliques. Steps to perform a plank with extended hips include:
Start in a push-up position, placing your hands under your shoulders and forming a straight line from head to toe. Keeping your upper body still, slowly lift your left leg off the floor. Hold for 5 breaths and return to the starting position. Repeat with the right leg. Repeat 10-12 times for each leg.

Chắc hẳn với những người yêu thích các bài tập thể dục, họ đều đều “thích” động tác plank
Chắc hẳn với những người yêu thích các bài tập thể dục, họ đều đều “thích” động tác plank
2.6. Pull-ups Pull-ups are one of the most effective transverse abs exercises. To perform this movement, the practitioner needs to follow these steps:
Lie down and straighten your arms by your sides. Bend your knees and lift your legs up. Raise one leg to a 45° angle and lower the other leg until it is only about 5 cm above the ground. Repeat these movements alternating legs. 2.7. The reverse bend is a movement that can work many muscle groups, the rectus abdominis, oblique abs, and transverse abs. Steps to do the reverse bend include:
Lie down and place your hands next to or under your buttocks. Bend the knee at a 90° angle. Pull your legs into your chest and up, rolling your back slightly. Roll back to starting position. Keep the knee bent the whole time. You can adjust this exercise to suit your strength. 2.8. Bilateral Stretches Regular stretching is as important as any exercise, but it is often overlooked. Stretching the bilateral muscles has a very good effect on the oblique abs. To perform this movement, the practitioner needs to follow these steps:
Place your feet shoulder width apart, keeping your hands by your side. Reach your right arm out to the side and bend your torso, lifting your right arm up. Wait for a few seconds and slowly move back to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Repeat 10-12 times on each side. 2.9. Abdominal Stretches Abdominal stretches are also known as yoga cobra stretches and are very effective for stretching the rectus abdominis. Steps to perform abs stretch include:
Lie on your stomach, bring your hands close to your shoulders. Push your hands up and lift your upper body, keeping your hips and pelvis on the floor. Pause for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Căng cơ bụng còn được gọi là căng cơ rắn hổ mang yoga và rất hiệu quả để kéo căng cơ bụng trực tràng
Căng cơ bụng còn được gọi là căng cơ rắn hổ mang yoga và rất hiệu quả để kéo căng cơ bụng trực tràng
2.10. Twisted stretch The torsion stretch works mainly on the transverse and oblique abs groups. Steps to perform the twist stretch include:
Start by sitting on the floor. Extend left leg and bend right leg. Support yourself with your right hand behind you, twist your upper body to the right, and bring your left arm over your knee. Don't overdo the twist, it should have a certain stretch, not tension. Wait about 10 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. Do it 5 times. Flat belly and slim waist is the goal that any girl wants to achieve. However, in the busy daily life, for many people, it seems impossible to spend about 30 minutes to an hour to practice every day. But with the simple exercises we have presented above, women can completely turn their dream of a flat stomach and slim waist into reality while still being able to spend time at work and family. Besides, combining these exercises with a reasonable and healthy diet and rest is the key to bringing a meaningful life to everyone.
Hope the above information has provided you with more options and answers to exercises to help flat stomach and slim waist. Wish you always have a scientific diet and improve your work productivity and improve your life.

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Reference sources: cfyc.com.vn, brightside.me
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