Sex and your health are closely related. Studies show that regular sex helps you have a slim waist, a healthy heart and reduces the risk of some cancers. However, if you have sex too much, it will be harmful to your health.
1. What are the benefits of regular sex?
First, let's look at the benefits of regular sex. According to researchers, regular sex has both physical and psychological benefits for you. Regular sex helps you sleep better and is beneficial for your heart and prostate, says Peter Kanaris, PhD, a clinical psychologist and sex therapist based in Smithtown, New York. At the same time, Kanaris also says that sexual intimacy not only promotes feelings of well-being but can also have a positive effect on the immune system. Mary Andres, a professor of marriage and family therapy at the University of Southern California, says that sex releases endorphins, which create a sense of closeness between you and your partner.
Specifically, some reasons why you need to have sex regularly and regularly are:
- Building emotional intimacy: Sex is not just about physical intimacy, it also helps strengthen the emotional bond between two people. For any relationship to be successful, it is important that you can connect emotionally and sex is a great way to build that emotional intimacy.
- Improving cardiovascular health: A recent study said that men who have sex more than twice a week are less likely to have a heart attack than those who have sex less than once a month.
- Improving immunity: Regular sex increases the concentration of immunoglobulin A (IgA) - an antibody that boosts immunity, thus helping you fight off certain illnesses such as the common cold and fever.
- Reduce stress: Sex not only improves your mood, but a study has also shown that people who have sex regularly can handle stress better and are generally happier people.
- Reduce pain: When you are about to orgasm during sex, the level of the hormone oxytocin increases fivefold and endorphins will reduce pain.
- Increase longevity: When a person has an orgasm, a hormone called ehydroepiandrosterone is released that improves immunity and keeps the skin healthy. Men who have at least two orgasms a week, live longer than men who only have sex every few weeks.
- Increase blood circulation: Because your heart rate increases when you have sex, blood is supplied to your organs and cells. This also helps the body eliminate toxins and substances that make you feel tired.
- Good sleep: The sleep you get right after sex will be much more comfortable and good sleep will make you feel alert and healthy.
- Improve overall physical fitness: Regular sex helps you lose weight and keep your figure, especially your waistline because half an hour of lovemaking burns more than 80 calories.
- Increase Estrogen and Testosterone Levels: In men, the hormone testosterone helps you be more passionate in bed, improve muscles and bones, and keep your heart healthy. In women, the hormone estrogen protects you against heart disease and also determines a woman's body scent.
- Reduce the risk of depression: Just like any other form of exercise, sex also stimulates the brain to secrete chemicals that create a pleasant feeling, increasing the level of happy hormones. Serotonin levels also increase, helping you reduce the risk of depression.

2. The consequences of excessive sex
Regular, frequent sexual intercourse offers numerous benefits to both physical and mental health. However, excessive sexual activity is not advisable for either men or women. Some potential negative consequences of excessive sexual activity include:
2.1. Poor health and exhaustion
Excessive sex affects your quality of life, because sex is an activity that uses a lot of energy. During sex, the body secretes norepinephrine, epinephrine (adrenaline) and cortisol into the blood, resulting in increased heart rate, blood pressure, muscle strength and glucose metabolism. Therefore, having sex many times also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure...
A lot of calories are burned during sex, if you have sex too much, it will make you sluggish in the 'mornings' after a night full of love. Exhaustion can last for a long time and affect your work and you will feel tired all day, working ineffectively. To avoid all this fatigue, adjust your sex sessions to have a vibrant and successful work performance every day.
2.2. Increased risk of genital diseases and accidents during intercourse
For women, having sex too much can cause pain and swelling in your genitals and can lead to vaginal discharge. When you have sex too much, it means that the vagina has a lot of friction and this can also lead to vaginal peeling, pain when urinating or difficulty walking due to vaginal irritation. To avoid this, reduce the number of sex and avoid rough sex.
For men, having sex too much can lead to diseases such as penile pain, back pain, and male genital infections due to the penis being active and rubbing too much.
In addition, having sex too much can form a reflex to have sex frequently. If not satisfied by the other half, it can lead to finding other partners. Having many sexual partners without proper safety measures will lead to the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.
In addition, having sex too many times a day also puts men at risk of having "accidents" in bed.
2.3. Physiological dysfunction
According to research by experts, having sex too many times in a short period of time makes it difficult for men to maintain the time of intercourse and difficult to satisfy their partner. This makes love boring, and men are prone to conditions such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, etc.
According to research by experts, having sex too much and not having enough time to rest and recover will make your health decline. That makes the next sexual intercourse no longer interesting and not as exciting as the first time. This phenomenon, if prolonged, will cause you to lose your desire and gradually lead to a decline in sexual function.
After having sex too much and ejaculating, men need a certain amount of time for their sperm to regenerate. If you have sex and ejaculate continuously, your sperm will not have enough time to regenerate, so the quality of sperm will decrease significantly. This will of course reduce the rate of conception and even infertility.

2.4. Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infections often occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and develop in the bladder. Specifically, according to statistics, women who have excessive sex tend to have more urinary tract infections than women who are not sexually active.
2.5. Dehydration
During strenuous sex, couples sweat and lose a lot of water from their bodies. However, you can overcome this by drinking plenty of water before, during and after sex.
So, having sex regularly brings many benefits to both of you both physically and mentally. However, if you have sex too much, it will be harmful to your health. Therefore, you need to balance your needs and health appropriately.
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