How are 3mm kidney stones treated?

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor of Urology Department, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
Kidney stones are a common disease, causing a lot of anxiety for patients. So can kidney stones be treated, how will 3mm stones be treated, let's find out through this article.

1. What are the causes of kidney stones?

Kidney stones are caused by many factors. When the body has disorders that combine favorable factors such as: decreased urine flow, urinary tract infections, changes in urine pH, urinary tract malformations, genetic factors, etc., minerals. When dissolved, it will crystallize, forming a small nucleus, which gradually grows to form a stone.

2. Who is prone to kidney stones?

People with the following risk factors are more likely to develop kidney stones :
There is a family history of kidney stones. People drink less water, especially the elderly. A person lying motionless for a long time. People with metabolic disorders (chronic metabolic acidosis, hypercalciuria...). Are taking certain medications or supplements that increase the risk of stone formation. Workers in a hot environment.

3. How are kidney stones treated?

Với sỏi thận 3mm là sỏi nhỏ, việc điều trị sẽ chủ yếu là điều trị nội khoa
Với sỏi thận 3mm là sỏi nhỏ, việc điều trị sẽ chủ yếu là điều trị nội khoa

Kidney stones have many different sizes, depending on the size, there will be a suitable treatment. For small stones (<5mm) and no complications causing hydronephrosis, the patient can be treated medically, take medication and periodically monitor. In some special cases, such as urate or cysteine ​​​​stones, drugs can be used to dissolve the stones. Large stones require surgical intervention, laparoscopic surgery and open surgery.
With 3mm kidney stones mainly medical treatment. Besides drugs to treat stones, patients need to drink enough water and increase physical activity. The average water intake is 2-2.5 liters of water per day. In case of hot weather, a lot of work, it is necessary to drink more water. These notes are aimed at causing a diuretic state, reducing the risk of agglomeration of dissolved minerals and creating favorable conditions for crystals and small stones to move with the urine stream. When urinating stones, the patient should bring the stone to the hospital for a stool test to know the composition of the stone. From there, the doctor will have more information to adjust the patient's diet or stone treatment.
Patients should be monitored, periodically re-examined every 3-6 months. It should be noted that when the stone moves out through the digestive tract, the patient may have hip pain on one side. When these signs appear, the patient should go to the hospital for an early examination.

Uống nhiều nước điều trị sỏi thận 3mm
Uống nhiều nước điều trị sỏi thận 3mm

Kidney stones are treatable diseases, especially when the stones are small, the treatment is very gentle and simple. Everyone should actively visit periodically for early detection and treatment to achieve optimal results.

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