Does drinking alcohol cause acne?

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Is alcohol bad for you? There are many different opinions about alcohol and our health. We are all familiar with the health risks of drinking and the harm that excessive drinking often causes to our organ systems.

1. The relationship between alcohol, beer and acne

Acne is actually a condition in which inflammation occurs on the skin caused by bacteria, dirt, and clogged pores. Some habits in daily life can increase the risk of acne, including alcoholism.
However, that does not mean that alcohol directly causes acne or aggravates the acne a person is having. Alcohol affects a number of organ systems such as the endocrine system, causing acne to appear and develop.
Alcohol affects everyone's health in different ways. For the skin, alcohol affects metabolism as well as disrupts oxygen supply, making acne worse.
Here are the effects of alcohol on other organs, the end result is acne:

1.1. Impact on the immune system

The immune system has a role in protecting the body against the attack of bacteria and harmful substances. Alcohol can reduce the number of immune cells in the body, increasing the risk of infections in organs including the skin.
Example of P.acnes a bacteria that lives in the pores and causes acne. Normally they are controlled by the body's immune system, but when the immune cells are reduced due to alcohol, beer, P.acnes is more active, causing acne to grow more on the skin.

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Lạm dụng rượu, bia có thể khiến hệ miễn dịch suy giảm

1.2. Impact on the endocrine system

Alcohol can affect many hormones in the body. A number of recent studies have shown that alcohol can increase testosterone levels in both men and women. In addition, alcohol and beer also cause levels of estradiol (a form of female reproductive hormone estrogen) to increase sharply.
It is the increase in the concentration of the aforementioned hormones that stimulates sweat glands as well as sebaceous glands to be active, causing clogged pores and leading to acne.

1.3. Alcohol and inflammation

Papules, pustules, nodules or cysts are all considered a form of inflammatory acne. Some reasons for inflammation include:
Increased hormone levels Having certain autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis Eating or drinking foods that are too high in sugar Similar to sugar, alcohol also increases the risk of inflammation . Participants in a 2014 study showed significant improvement in their acne condition after they eliminated alcohol from their diets for 10 weeks.

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Rượu làm trầm trọng hơn các triệu chứng của bệnh vẩy nến

1.4. Alcohol and dehydration

Everyone knows how important water is to the body, especially skin health. When the body is sufficiently hydrated, the skin can balance the excess oil released by the sebaceous glands and remove dead skin cells, dirt, and toxins easily.
In a way, alcohol acts as a diuretic. This means that it increases the excretion of water in the body through the urine, putting the body in general and the skin in particular at risk of dehydration. When the skin is dry, the sebaceous glands secrete more oil to compensate for the loss of water, excess oil can increase the risk of acne.

1.5. Impact on the liver

The liver is responsible for removing toxins including alcohol and beer from the body. A few glasses of wine or beer may not affect liver function, but drinking too much can overload the liver and not be able to filter out all harmful substances. This causes them to accumulate in the body, entering other organs such as the skin leading to acne.

Rượu tác động tiêu cực đến chức năng gan
Rượu tác động tiêu cực đến chức năng gan

2. Effects of certain types of alcohol, beer on your skin

Any alcohol you drink can affect your skin. One of the effects of alcohol on the body is to increase the development of acne, even bring negative effects on the health of the skin. The effects of certain types of alcohol on the skin are outlined below:
White wine : White wine includes clear liquors such as gin and vodka, often used to prepare other drinks in the form of cocktails. The wines in the white wine group are usually low in calories but high in alcohol. Drinking too much can lead to dehydration as well as increase the risk of inflammation. Dark Wine: Dark wine contains a number of substances that enhance the taste and color of wine, but with them they also increase the risk of dehydration, raise blood sugar and increase the risk of inflammation in the body. Mixed wine: Mixed wine is a blend of white wine with syrups or fruit juices. Even choosing a low-sugar option carries the risk of raising blood sugar levels and leaving skin dry from dehydration. Beer: Like many other alcoholic beverages, beer contains a congener (common name for chemical compounds such as acids, aldehydes, esters, phenols...) called furfural. This is a harmful chemical produced by beer fermentation that contributes to inflammation and dehydration.

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Rượu trắng có thể làn da bị mất nước và gây viêm

Wine: Red wine not only contains many vitamins, but they also have the effect of vasodilating and making the skin prone to inflammation. Meanwhile, white wine can lead to dehydration due to its high tannin content. Although alcohol can cause negative effects on the skin, it does not mean that we give up alcohol completely. Drinking in moderation is key to being able to enjoy the benefits of alcohol.
The amount of alcohol is considered reasonable when guaranteed:
For women: Up to one drink per day For men under 65: Up to 2 drinks per day For men over 65: Up to one drink In addition, you are also recommended to form a daily skin care routine to have a healthy skin.
Drinking too much alcohol can lead to a number of negative effects on the organs in the body, including the skin. However, a moderate amount of alcohol per day can stimulate the digestive system as well as help relieve stress. So protecting your skin doesn't necessarily force you to give up alcohol. Drinking alcohol in moderation, combined with forming good daily skin care habits can still help you have a smooth, healthy white skin.
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