Why is white wine good for health?

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Wine has long been an indispensable element if you want to have a great meal. Wine includes red wine and white wine, let's find out the health benefits of white wine through the article below.

1. White Wine Basics

Wine is an alcoholic beverage produced from grapes. Once harvested, the grapes undergo pressing and fermentation to produce wine. Wine is commonly known as red wine and white wine.
White wine differs from red wine in that the grapes used to make white wine usually have green, pale yellow skins, however white wines can still be produced from grapes with colored skins. red (typically the famous traditional French Pinot Noir red) if the skins are removed from the production process.

Rượu vang trắng thường sử dụng loại nho có vỏ màu xanh để ép và lên men
Rượu vang trắng thường sử dụng loại nho có vỏ màu xanh để ép và lên men
Usually in the production of white wine, the skins, seeds, and stalks are removed before fermentation begins. White wine usually has a lighter concentration than red wine, carries the characteristic flavor of fruits (scents of orange grapefruit, apple, pear, grape,...), which is an indispensable ingredient when enjoying dishes. seafood or poultry products.
For each 5 ounce (~148 ml) volume of white wine, the following nutrition facts will be provided:
121 calories 4 g carbohydrates 1 g sugar 9% total manganese of the Reference Daily Intake (Reference) Daily Intake (RDI) 3% of total dietary potassium reference daily 4% total dietary magnesium reference 2% total dietary iron reference 3% total phosphorus daily intake reference 4% total dietary intake of vitamin B6 reference daily dietary intake of riboflavin (vitamin B2) referencing 1% total dietary intake of niacin (vitamin B3) Reference daily intake 1% of total calcium, zinc, vitamin K of the reference daily diet Compared with red wine, the nutritional composition of white wine is less, but the difference is very small. In addition, because white wine production often removes the grape skins, seeds, and stalks before fermentation, compared to red wine, plant-based compounds have health benefits (such as such as tannins, resveratrol,...) in white wine also have lower content.
Some typical benefits of using white wine include:
In addition to providing calories for the body, white wine contains a lot of antioxidants, and phenolic compounds in it will help the body fight damage caused by oxidation. At the same time with the benefits of white wine itself, if you combine the use of white wine with eating, chatting with friends and relatives, releasing emotions, mood will help the body regain and maintain balance. The antioxidants in white wine are as effective as those in olive oil. For the protection of heart health, the effect achieved from white wine is absolutely not inferior to that of red wine. Several studies suggest that consuming small amounts of alcohol may help in weight loss efforts. Therefore, try using white wine if you intend to lose weight, both enjoy the benefits of white wine and help the weight loss process. Besides the above benefits, white wine consumption also enjoys the benefits of alcohol consumption in general (if consumed in appropriate amounts), such as:
Better blood cholesterol levels: If Moderate use of alcohol will help improve blood cholesterol levels. Lower risk of death: Many studies have shown that people who drink alcohol (but in moderation) have a lower risk of dying from any cause (including stroke and cardiovascular disease) . Reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases: People who consume alcohol or other alcoholic beverages in low and moderate levels have an increased risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc.). ...) lower than the non-users. Lowers cancer risk: Many observational studies suggest a link between heavy drinkers and a lower risk of developing lung cancer.

Sử dụng rượu vang trắng hợp lý sẽ mang lại nhiều lợi ích đối với sức khỏe
Sử dụng rượu vang trắng hợp lý sẽ mang lại nhiều lợi ích đối với sức khỏe

2. Note when using white wine

Even if it's white wine, it's still alcohol, and alcohol consumption should always be controlled. According to the recommendations of the US government, men should not consume more than 28g of alcohol per day and women no more than 14g of alcohol (if you only drink alcohol occasionally, men should not exceed 56g of alcohol per day). drinks, women no more than 42 g alcohol).
According to the recommendations of the American Heart Association, men should not consume more than two servings per day, and women should limit it to one serving per day (with one serving per day). standard drinking is defined as 1 cup of 12% alcohol with a volume of 5 ounces ~ 148 ml).
The volume of alcohol present in wine is estimated by multiplying the volume of the drink (in mL) by the percentage of alcohol, for example, the alcohol volume of 148 mL of a 12% alcohol drink is 148 x 12% = 17.76 mL; each mL contains about 0.79 g of alcohol, so the mass of alcohol is 17.76 x 0.79 = 14.03 g. Through calculation, it can be seen that the recommendations of the US government with the recommendations of the American Heart Association are the same.
Each time the wine is poured, the volume of wine will fall to about 6 ounces (~ 177.44 mL) or more, so when using alcohol, including white wine, be aware of how much you will drink. The benefits of using white wine have been proven, but that benefit can only be achieved if white wine is consumed in moderation. White wine can be used with meals, can be used with desserts, can be drunk alone or with friends and relatives, but drinkers themselves should always remember to drink in moderation to benefit. benefit to the maximum extent.
Reference article source: webmd.com
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