Beer facts: Calories in beer, waist circumference and nutrition

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In the hot summer, everyone's demand for beer also increases. You may want to have a cold beer after work, after playing sports with friends, etc. There are many types of beer to choose from, and you are probably thinking about the taste of beers. But do you know what you get from beer: how many calories in beer as well as nutrition from the beer glasses?

1. Nutrition in beer?

Beer is usually made from water, grains, hops and yeast. Malted barley is the most commonly used grain. It is often flavored with hops to add bitterness to balance out the sweetness of the malt. Hops also act as a natural preservative. Finally, brewer's yeast to ferment beer into alcohol.
Some beers are made from other grains such as wheat, corn or rice instead of barley. Some breweries use fruits, herbs, and spices to create beers with unique flavors.
The alcohol content of beer ranges from less than 3% to 40% depending on the beer recipe of the manufacturers. Most light beers have an alcohol content of between 4 and 6%.
Similar to wine, spirits, ... if you drink beer in moderation can bring health benefits. Research evidence shows that alcohol of any kind can increase good cholesterol in the body.
You need to limit yourself to no more than one drink a day for women, two drinks a day for men. One glass corresponds to 12 ounces (≈355ml) of regular beer. Each regular beer has 150-200 calories. The hops, yeast and grains in beer provide carbohydrates, along with small amounts of B vitamins and potassium. However, you do not intend to take the nutrition in beer to supply your body, or drink beer or any other alcoholic beverage for health benefits.
Drinking beer in moderation can bring health benefits. But if you drink too much beer will harm your health. Drinking a lot of beer, especially those with high alcohol content, wipes out any health benefits and increases the risk of liver cancer, cirrhosis, alcoholism and obesity.
Heavy drinkers or binge drinkers can increase the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, weight gain, colon cancer, breast cancer,...

Bia được nấu chủ yếu từ lúa mạch nha
Bia được nấu chủ yếu từ lúa mạch nha

2. The relationship between waist circumference and beer

You've heard a lot about "beer belly", but is it really because beer makes your belly bigger? In fact, not all beer drinkers have large bellies. So what caused the beer belly?
The fact that you put too many calories into your body can cause your belly to increase. Any type of calories, whether from beer or sugary drinks, or from food in excess, can increase belly fat. However, alcohol seems to have a particular relationship with fat in the midsection.
Drinking is associated with a larger waistline, because when you drink alcohol, the liver burns alcohol instead of fat. Beer is the same, a regular beer has 150 calories, and drinking a lot of beer in one sitting can lead to a serious calorie overload.
And don't forget the calories from the food you eat with beer. Alcohol can increase your appetite. Moreover, when you drink beer at restaurants and parties, there are often foods with high calorie content, especially fried foods.
When you take in more calories than you burn, the excess calories are stored as fat. And where you probably store fat depends in part on your age, sex, and hormones.

Bia chứa rất nhiều calo gây béo bụng
Bia chứa rất nhiều calo gây béo bụng

Women tend to calculate subcutaneous fat more than men. Because of this, excess calories tend to be deposited in their arms, thighs, buttocks and abdomen. While men have less subcutaneous fat than women, their bodies store more fat in their belly. This is why there are more men with big bellies than women.
Beer belly tends to grow more in older people. The reason is that as you age, your calorie needs decrease, you are usually less active, so it becomes easier to gain weight.
As hormone levels in men and women decline as they age, they are more likely to store fat in the midsection of the body. Menopausal women who take hormone replacement therapy tend to have less change in belly fat than those who don't.
Studies show that smokers can also accumulate more fat in their belly.

3. Is beer belly dangerous?

Belly fat is associated with a wide range of health problems such as:
Type 2 diabetes High blood pressure Cardiovascular disease Carrying extra fat in your thighs or hips carries less risk than having a lot of fat in the area belly. Furthermore, the subcutaneous fat that you can grab around your waist and on your thighs, hips and buttocks is not as dangerous as the visceral fat found deep in the abdominal cavity, around the internal organs.
Visceral fat in the abdomen is usually estimated based on waist circumference. When waist circumference exceeds 35 inches (= 88.9cm) for women and 40 inches (=101.6cm) for men, there is an increased risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome and risk of death shared.
There is no magic way to get rid of belly fat other than cutting calories and being more physically active. Because of the link between calories in beer and belly fat, drinking less beer is a good way to start losing belly fat. Avoiding alcohol will help you reduce your risk of liver damage and other serious health problems.
If you are a beer lover, you should choose a light beer with 100 calories or less and need to limit the amount you drink per day. Don't forget a healthy meal while drinking beer.
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