Diet for liver cancer patients

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A complete, scientific nutrition will help improve the effectiveness of treatment for liver cancer patients. However, when suffering from liver cancer what to eat and what to eat is something that not all patients know.
When the liver is damaged, does not work properly and the patient is diagnosed with liver cancer, it also means entering a stressful treatment process, health declines rapidly. A very mistake that most patients make is focusing only on treatment without paying attention to nutrition, a few are excessively abstinent leading to poor health, not meeting the needs of the patient. treatment course.

1. Diet affects the treatment of liver cancer

According to statistics of the World Health Organization, in Vietnam every year, about 95,000 patients die from cancer, of which 80% die from weight loss, nearly 40% die from health failure. Leading to this situation is because most patients when diagnosed with cancer only focus on treatment, but do not pay attention to nutrition to improve their health. There are very few patients interested in a daily diet that is scientific and provides adequate nutrients. Even many people are afraid that eating a lot of substances will make the tumor grow quickly, so they abstain from excess, leading to weight loss and malnutrition, not only not helping the treatment process but also making the condition worse. health is getting worse.

2. What to eat with liver cancer?

In fact, liver cancer and the treatment process will make the patient lose interest in eating, that's why very few patients ask questions such as: What?”, “Which food is not good?”...with the doctor. Like many other diseases, besides the healthy food groups, there are also some foods that liver cancer patients should avoid to ease the uncomfortable symptoms caused by the disease, specifically:

2.1 High-fat food group

Ung thư gan nên kiêng ăn thực phẩm giàu chất béo
Ung thư gan nên kiêng ăn thực phẩm giàu chất béo

"What to eat for liver cancer?", the main answer is the high-fat food group, consuming too much fat-rich foods will make the liver more tired, creating a burden on the digestive process. food. Patients should limit the use of high-fat foods such as cookies, cakes, chips, hot dogs.... For fat, just a moderate amount is enough.

2.2 Protein-rich food groups

For patients with liver cancer, if the body receives too many protein-rich foods, it will overload because the liver is damaged, functioning improperly, this will cause toxins to accumulate in the liver and muscles. and worsen the symptoms of the disease. People with liver cancer should eat eggs, fish, milk, poultry... but only in moderation.

2.3 Food groups with high salt content

Food groups containing high amounts will make the symptoms of liver cancer worse in the patient's body, salt causes the body to absorb and retain water, which will cause fluid accumulation in the liver, so people If you have liver cancer, you should abstain from eating a lot of salt, including daily salt, packaged salt, cakes and baked goods.... When preparing food for liver cancer patients, it should taste bland.
In addition, the doctor will advise patients with liver cancer to give up alcohol, beer, caffeinated and alcoholic beverages because the patient's liver is very weak, when tolerating these drinks will cause it to work too hard. and the condition will get worse.

3. What fruit should liver cancer eat?

Currently, there are many kinds of fruits, fruits contain carbohydrates, sugar, fiber and beneficial nutrients, help the digestive system, increase resistance for liver cancer patients. What fruit should you eat with liver cancer?”, the main advice of doctors is: Figs, bananas, grapes, Kiwi, carrots, oranges, tangerines....
>> See more: Macrobiotics and cancer: Things to know - Article written by T.S, B.S Pham Thi Viet Huong - Doctor of Hematology - Oncology - Unit of Hematology and Cell Therapy - Center of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy, Hospital Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

4. What should you eat with terminal liver cancer?

A scientific and reasonable diet that enhances the effectiveness of treatment will include, so what should patients with terminal liver cancer eat? , foods to supplement include:

4.1 Should use organic food

Nên sử dụng thức ăn hữu cơ tốt cho người bị bệnh gan
Nên sử dụng thức ăn hữu cơ tốt cho người bị bệnh gan

The liver is a part that plays a very important role in detoxifying the body, so when the liver has been damaged by cancer cells, the patient who chooses natural or organic products will be very Good for health, reduce the burden on the liver.
A special thing that helps reduce discomfort for patients in eating is to divide meals, maybe 6-8 small meals a day, instead of 3 large meals. Nutritional supplements in liquid form are also great suggestions for patients, helping to increase appetite for each meal.
The help of relatives in preparing meals for patients with liver cancer is needed. However, let the patient eat according to their preferences, this will help them feel more comfortable and more effective for the treatment process.

4.2 Add foods rich in starch, sugar and fiber

Sugars are simple carbohydrates and starches are complex carbohydrates and both provide energy for the body. Fiber helps the intestines get rid of waste products and can also help lower bad cholesterol, which is good for liver cancer patients. Patients can add foods rich in starch, sugar and fiber such as fruits, legumes, vegetables, whole grains, breads, whole grains.

4.3 Vitamin and Mineral Supplement

Patients with end-stage liver cancer are at risk of developing deficiencies in many minerals and vitamins A, B, C and E, folate, magnesium and zinc due to weight loss and increased urine loss from drugs. Diuretic. However, vitamin and mineral supplements need to be evaluated by the doctor to suit the condition and each patient.
Liver cancer causes a lot of pain and fatigue during treatment in patients, which affects the eating process. However, patients need to be in good physical condition to be able to fight the disease and respond to treatments. Building a scientific and reasonable diet for liver cancer patients is essential.

In April & May 2021, when there is a need for liver cancer examination and treatment at Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital, customers will enjoy dual incentives:
- Free specialist examination and discount 50% price for Liver Cancer Screening Package
- Reduce 50% of costs for customers who have a prescription for post-examination treatment. The program is limited to the corresponding technique of each hospital and to customers who perform this treatment technique for the first time at Vinmec.
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