Coma in diabetic patients: Causes and signs

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Vu Thi Duyen - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

The cause of coma in diabetic patients is because blood sugar can be too high or too low under the influence of a series of complex reactions of the body. This condition can be detected early if the patient self-identifies and monitors for abnormalities.

1. Causes of diabetic coma

Blood sugar that is too high or too low for too long can cause various serious complications, all of which can lead to a diabetic coma.
Diabetic ketoacidosis: Starved muscle cells for energy can cause the body to use stored fat. This process is incompletely metabolized and forms toxic acids called ketones. If the test shows ketones in the blood, ketones in the urine, and high blood sugar, it is called diabetic ketoacidosis. If this condition is not detected early and treated promptly it can lead to a ketoacidosis coma. Ketoacidosis occurs mainly in patients with type 1 diabetes, but occasionally occurs in patients with type 2 diabetes and in patients with gestational diabetes. Hyperosmolar coma syndrome in diabetics: This condition is caused by blood sugar levels exceeding 600 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or 33.3 millimoles per liter (mmol/L). . Too much sugar in the blood causes the blood to become thick. Excess sugar passes from the blood into the urine, triggering filtration to draw large amounts of fluid out of the body. The body is severely dehydrated and the osmotic pressure is elevated > 320 mosmol/l. If not detected and treated promptly, this condition can lead to dehydration, life-threatening, and hyperosmolar coma, which is common in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Nhiễm toan ceton do đái tháo đường có thể dẫn đến hôn mê
Nhiễm toan ceton do đái tháo đường có thể dẫn đến hôn mê
Hypoglycemia: The brain needs energy from glucose to function, so when blood sugar is lower than normal, it can cause you to pass out. Causes of hypoglycemia can be caused by many causes: too much insulin in the body, eating too little, exercising too hard, drinking too much alcohol, ...

2. Clinical symptoms of coma in diabetic patients

Before you enter a diabetic coma, you will often experience signs and symptoms of high or low blood sugar.
2.1. Signs of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) in the blood. If your blood sugar is too high you may experience:
Extreme thirst. Urinate frequently. Fatigue or struggling arousal. Nausea and vomiting. Short of breath. Stomachache. Breath has a fruity smell. Dry mouth due to thirst. Fast heart rate, shallow breathing. 2.2. Signs of hypoglycemia (when blood sugar is low)

Người bị bệnh đái tháo đường kéo dài có thể không xuất hiện các dấu hiệu hạ đường huyết
Người bị bệnh đái tháo đường kéo dài có thể không xuất hiện các dấu hiệu hạ đường huyết

Signs and symptoms of low blood sugar include:
Tremors or anxiety Fatigue Weakness Sweating Hunger Hunger Nausea Dizziness or lightheadedness Difficulty speaking Confusion People with persistent diabetes may not signs of low blood sugar.
When you have any symptoms of hyper/low blood sugar check your blood sugar and follow your diabetes treatment plan based on your blood sugar. If you are still unwell, you need to go to the hospital right away.
2.3. Treatment when there are signs of diabetic coma

Khi bệnh nhân có dấu hiệu hôn mê do đái tháo đường hãy gọi xe cấp cứu ngay
Khi bệnh nhân có dấu hiệu hôn mê do đái tháo đường hãy gọi xe cấp cứu ngay

Diabetic coma is a medical emergency. If you develop signs or symptoms of hyper/low blood sugar and think you may be unconscious, call 911.
If you are with someone with diabetes who is already in a coma call 911 and be sure to tell emergency personnel that the unconscious person has diabetes.
Diabetic coma can cause many dangerous complications, especially for the brain. However, this condition can be detected early, if the patient knows and monitors the abnormal signs, it can be managed and fully recovered. So when you see abnormal symptoms like above in diabetics, you should go to medical centers for examination and treatment if you are awake. If you are in a coma, your family members need to call for help right away.
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