Boils on thighs: What you need to know

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Pimples on the thighs is a skin infection usually caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Most boils clear up on their own within a few weeks and are uncomplicated. But if the pimples on the thighs persist or recur, you should see your doctor for prompt treatment.

1. What is a pimple on the thigh?

Pimples are a common, painful infection in the hair follicles and surrounding skin. Pimples are usually caused by an infection in a hair follicle or oil gland. They are usually caused by staphylococcus bacteria, which naturally reside on the skin and in the nose. Boils can develop anywhere on your body, but are most commonly found in areas of muscle friction or in warm, moist areas of skin, most commonly the armpits and the crease between the buttocks and inner thighs.
The size and color of a boil can vary, depending on its severity or the area of ​​skin involved. But in general, most pimples have a similar appearance. A boil on the thigh usually starts as a red lump, then fills with pus as white blood cells move back to that location to fight the infection. Pimples can also spread and grow in clusters. If this happens, clusters of pimples can form deeper abscesses called milia and can leave scars on the skin.

2. Symptoms of pimples on thighs

Pimples that grow on thighs usually start out as small red, itchy or painful bumps. In a few days, the boil will swell as it fills with pus and bacteria. It will usually develop a white tip, which will burst and pus will drain. The boil may then scab over. Although symptoms can vary in severity, most thigh pimples will have the following signs:
They are usually round, red, and swollen bumps that are tender and sensitive. White pus discharge formed by dead tissue and white blood cells Pimples usually last about 10 days Boils can appear singly or in groups Apart from thighs, boils can appear in other parts of the body If your boil becomes larger or if the infection spreads, you may have other symptoms including feeling sick, fatigue, or fever.

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Mụn nhọt trên đùi sau một thời gian sẽ xuất hiện đầu màu trắng,

3. What causes thigh acne?

Most of the pimples on the thighs are caused by the bacteria staphylococcus (Staphylococcus aureus). When a scratch or cut in the skin, bacteria can enter the hair follicle and start causing an infection. About 10 to 20 percent of the population carry the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. These are carriers of diseases, namely resident bacteria that live on the surface of their skin. Carriers, and people with boils, can spread the bacteria through skin-to-skin contact. Bacteria can also be spread by contact with contaminated objects, such as towels and bed sheets. In most people, infection occurs only when the skin's natural barrier is disrupted or compromised by factors such as trauma or friction. Anyone or any age can get acne on the thighs. They often appear in areas of the body that are moist due to sweat or where the skin is subjected to a lot of friction, especially the inner thighs. There are several risk factors that make you more likely to develop thigh acne including:
Having other skin diseases or infections such as eczema or psoriasis. When your immune system is compromised, you may also be more susceptible to diabetes, because when you're sick, it can be harder to fight off infections. Live or work with someone else who has boils. Obese people may also be more susceptible to boils. Have scars or cuts on the skin Live or work in a crowded area Elderly (over 65) Poor hygiene Animal bites Unhealthy lifestyles such as poor nutrition or diet, lack of exercise Education, smoking Previous antibiotic use, especially repeated or improper use in the last 6 months Long-term use of corticosteroids Intravenous drug use Extreme or chronic stress Wearing ill-fitting clothing twist during physical activity. Wearing dirty clothes, especially when exercising or participating in activities that involve friction on the inside of the thighs or sweating Play sports or perform exercises that cause inner thigh cracks, such as running, walking long distance or cycling Shaving, waxing, and other hair removal methods that damage the surface of the skin

4. When to see a doctor if you have acne on your thighs?

Most boils clear up on their own within a week or so and are uncomplicated. But if a boil on the inner thigh persists, becomes larger and more painful, or recurs, you should see your doctor. Small boils usually do not cause symptoms in other parts of the body. However, if the infection spreads, it can become serious. Any of the following symptoms require immediate medical attention as an untreated skin infection can spread blood-borne and be life-threatening:
The boil spreads to and on the face or upper neck Does not break for about 10 days after forming Does not heal completely within 1 to 3 weeks of rupture Very painful and does not respond to over-the-counter pain relievers or anti-inflammatory drugs Becomes more painful and swollen after rupture Seems to be spreading to new tissues Leaking pus from multiple sites Thigh boils larger than 5 mm Clusters or blisters Pimples surrounded by a painful, irregularly colored patch of skin Often There are other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, unexplained bruising, unexplained weight loss, fever, chills or other flu-like symptoms, In addition, some individuals are at risk The risk of complications from boils is higher and more likely to require medical attention, including people with the following conditions:
Immunodeficiency Diabetes N people at risk for endocarditis, such as those with congenital heart disease Anemia Chemotherapy

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Một số trường hợp mụn mọc trên đùi cần gặp bác sĩ để được thăm khám kịp thời

5. Methods to treat pimples on thighs

5.1 Home treatment There are a few tips you can apply to treat boils at home:
Do not squeeze or prick yourself on the thigh to break the boil as this can spread the bacteria inside the infection. infection to deeper parts of your skin Keep the boil and surrounding skin clean Wash your hands with soap or use an antiseptic before and after touching the boil. Apply warm compresses regularly during the day, this will help the pimples to dissolve. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends applying warm compresses for 10 to 15 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day until the boil heals. You can apply warmth by dipping a clean washcloth in hot water and making sure the water is not too hot. If the boil is draining or in an area prone to friction, you should cover it with a clean bandage. This can limit irritation. It's hard to avoid friction in the inner thighs, but you can wear underwear and loose clothing to avoid aggravating boils. The AAD also recommends ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain from boils. Over-the-counter antibiotics and antiseptic creams and liquids can be gently applied. Periodic replacement of personal hygiene products can cause cuts and scrapes, especially razor blades. For chronic or severe infections, clean any products that come into contact with your body daily. 5.2 Clinic treatment In many cases, you can treat boils at home. If home treatment doesn't work, your doctor may prescribe other treatments.
For boils that are large and do not go away on their own, the doctor can perform the procedure in the clinic. It's called incision and drainage or what many people say, thigh prick. Your doctor will make a small incision in the pimple to drain the pus and also usually send a sample of pus to a lab for testing. Lab technicians can help identify the specific bacteria causing the infection, which can help your doctor decide which antibiotic is best to treat if needed. Depending on the size, location, and other symptoms of the boil, draining the pus may be enough to cure the infection. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics by mouth. More serious infections may require hospitalization and intravenous antibiotics. For boils on the thighs that recur frequently or if you develop complications, your doctor may refer you to a dermatologist. Or they may refer you to an infectious disease specialist. For infections and larger abscesses, your doctor may order an ultrasound of the boil area. This is to ensure that the pus has been drained or in the case of a suspected patient with a subcutaneous boil that is not visible on the surface.

6. How to prevent acne on thighs

Since bacteria are everywhere in the surroundings and on the skin of many people, the best defense to prevent thigh acne is:
Wash your hands with soap or use an antiseptic Do carefully clean cuts, scrapes and other wounds Cover the wound carefully and keep it dry and clean Do not share personal hygiene items such as towels, razors or bed sheets Wash towels, bed sheets, and anything else that came in contact with the infected area in hot water. Pimples are a common type of skin abscess. Most blisters break within 10 days of forming, and once the boil drains, it tends to heal within 1 to 3 weeks. In some cases, boils can lead to complications, including scarring and systemic infection. See your doctor if the boil doesn't heal on its own, is large, or has other severe symptoms.
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