Anal pain spreading to genitals after hemorrhoid surgery, is it nerve pain?

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Doctor, I have pain in the anal area when I have internal hemorrhoids. After surgery with Longo I have a dull pain and pain spread to the right male genitals. I went to many places for endoscopy but there was no sign of boils. I don't know if anal pain spreading to the genitals after hemorrhoid surgery is nerve pain? Thanks for the advice doctor.
Vu Duy (1981)
Hello, please answer the question: "Does anal pain spread to the genitals after hemorrhoid surgery is nerve pain?" Your symptoms are as follows:
Symptoms of pain and edema after hemorrhoid surgery are one of the most common complications in hemorrhoidectomy patients. Patients often feel pain, entanglement, discomfort in the anal area. Some cases of the disease can be cured when the wound has healed, but many people still have pain and swelling. Prolonged pain and edema can seriously affect the patient's health.
The reason is that the perianal area is very sensitive to pain, although Longo surgery is a surgical method that only intervenes in the mucosa, which will be much less painful than the classic hemorrhoidectomy methods.
You should drink a lot of water, eat a lot of vegetables, avoid constipation, which can limit pain in this area. You should also check with your surgeon and see a urologist for any abnormalities. The hospitals of Vinmec Health System have a full range of experts to serve your needs for effective consultation and treatment of health problems. Wishing you speedy healing. Thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec.
Master, Doctor Nguyen Thai Binh - Gastroenterologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital.
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