How long does the anti-hepatitis B serum last?

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Hello doctor. Mother has hepatitis B, the baby was born with hepatitis B serum and vaccine. So, how long will this hepatitis B serum create passive immunity? I hope the doctor can help me. Thank you doctor.
Anonymous question
Hepatitis B serum is an immunoglobulin against hepatitis B virus of human origin. This serum is used to create passive immunity to prevent hepatitis B infection in neonates whose mothers are positive for hepatitis B virus and some other subjects. For neonates, this sera should be given immediately or as soon as possible after birth, with booster injections until post-vaccination seroconversion. So you need to take your baby to the vaccination facility for re-evaluation.
Thank you for your question to website. Best regards.
BSCK I Nguyen Le Hong Tram - Gastroenterologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital
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