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Articles in Anal pain

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Anal Sphincter Relaxants for Hemorrhoid Treatment
Hemorrhoids can cause discomfort and inconvenience, impacting both health and daily life. This is a common issue affecting millions of people worldwide. Although many feel embarrassed, early treatment is essential. In this article, we will explore the use of anal sphincter relaxants and venotonic medications in managing hemorrhoids.
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What medicine to take for anal fissures?
What medicine to take for anal fissures is a question of many people, because this condition is currently one of the common diseases that are easy to encounter in people with frequent constipation. Taking medicine is one of the methods to treat anal fissures when the disease is in the early stages. So what medicine should people with anal fissures take?
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auses of anal pain and itching in children
There are many causes of anal pain in children, such as constipation, poor hygiene, or pinworm infection, etc. The anus is one of the sensitive areas of the body, so parents need to understand the reasons when the child has anal pain to take appropriate action.
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