Anal pain is hemorrhoids?

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Anal pain is one of the common symptoms in many different diseases of the anus such as anal fissures, anorectal cancer, rectal ulcers... Sometimes, in many cases, Anal pain can also be a sign of hemorrhoids.

1. Anal pain and signs of hemorrhoids

Anal pain is a common symptom in diseases of the anal region, leaving phobias and fears for many patients. In each different disease, patients will have different pain manifestations, which may be constant dull pain or intermittent cramping pain, with or without other accompanying symptoms such as bleeding, swelling. , cracks, ulcers or unusual tumors...
Some common anal pain conditions:
Pain when defecating: This can be seen in cases of anal fissure, tearing of the anal mucosa. subject. Pain when wiping the anus Continuous pain not related to defecation Severe pain in episodes Anal pain when sitting Clinically, most patients, when they begin to have anal pain, think immediately hemorrhoids . Hemorrhoids as a big obsession in the list of pathologies of the anal area. Although the disease is not life-threatening, it causes a lot of trouble in the daily life of patients. Patients with hemorrhoids can die, but the cause of death is anemia caused by hemorrhoids, not death from hemorrhoids.

Đau hậu môn khi ngồi
Đau hậu môn khi ngồi

Of all the diseases that cause anal pain, hemorrhoids are the first to be thought of when the patient begins to have pain in the anal area
In general, hemorrhoids are too prolapsed Levels of venous plexus in the anorectal region lead to swelling and pain. The excessive stretching of the rectal veins causes pain in the anus, especially when going to the toilet, even causing blood that may drip, stick to the stool or bleed out into rays depending on the level of blood. varicose veins injury.
Signs of hemorrhoids include anal pain, bloody stools, and prolapsed hemorrhoids. Depending on the type of hemorrhoids and the degree of prolapse of the anal varices, the size and location of the varicose veins can be different in each person. In addition, there are other accompanying symptoms such as anal itching, constipation ...

Trắc nghiệm: Làm thế nào để bảo vệ lá gan khỏe mạnh?

Làm test trắc nghiệm kiểm tra hiểu biết về gan có thể giúp bạn nhận thức rõ vai trò quan trọng của gan, từ đó có các biện pháp bảo vệ gan để phòng ngừa bệnh tật.

2. What are the signs of anal pain?

In addition to hemorrhoids, anal pain can also be encountered in many different diseases such as:
2.1 Diseases in the anus Anal fissure: Common in people who are often constipated, have a habit of straining when walking defecation leads to tears in the lining of the anal canal. Manifestations of burning pain in the anal area, especially when defecating, may have blood in the stool. Anal fissures may heal on their own after a few days. However, in a few cases, the fissure can become infected with ulcers that need to be examined and treated with appropriate antibiotics.
anorectal cancer: The tumor appears in the anal area, compressing the surrounding causing anal pain. In malignant cases, the tumor can burst, metastasize to other organs, which is difficult to treat. Anal fistula: Also known as eel veins, is a condition caused by infections that create a tunnel connecting the rectum or anal canal with the skin around the anus. When these tunnels become blocked by fluid and waste products, plus infection, an abscess forms inside the tunnel, which causes pain.

Rò hậu môn gây đau cho người bệnh
Rò hậu môn gây đau cho người bệnh

Ulcers, anal abscesses: Ulcers or abscesses are also one of the common conditions in anal diseases. The disease is initially acute, which can occur due to a variety of causes. Ulcers or abscesses, if left untreated, can lead to ulcers in nearby areas such as the buttocks or genitals, and in some cases, a para-anal fistula. Symptoms are swollen, hot, red, painful, may have pus, if it is an abscess, you will see a swollen mass located right next to the anus. Bacterial or fungal infections of the anus: Moderate pain, often accompanied by uncomfortable tingling. If this condition is prolonged, plus improper hygiene, frequent scratching can cause skin abrasions in the anal area, ulcers or abscesses...
2.2 Diseases outside the anus Enteritis Gonorrhea or skin diseases such as fungus, dermatitis, herpes... Frequent constipation Pelvic floor cramps

Người bệnh thường xuyên bị táo bón
Người bệnh thường xuyên bị táo bón

3. What to do when anal pain?

To alleviate the symptoms of anal pain, you need to:
Drink lots of water, at least 2-3 liters of water/day, you should eat a lot of foods rich in fiber such as vegetables, fruits... to do it. Effectively relieves pain in the anal area, and also supports the body in eliminating waste products through the bowels better. Avoid injuring the anal area. Pay special attention when experiencing pain without clear cause, do not arbitrarily clean with soap or cleaning solutions, do not use toilet paper to rub the anal area strongly, do not scratch because it may hurt. heavier in the anal region. The anal area can be cleaned with warm clean water or physiological saline. In case the pain is too much but you can't go to the doctor, you can use basic pain relievers. If within 24 - 48 hours after taking the pain reliever, the patient still does not feel better, the patient should see a doctor immediately. If the patient has pain symptoms that persist for more than 2 weeks, there is a risk of other serious problems in the anus, not just anal pain. Anal pain, although only a minor symptom, is sometimes overlooked, but in fact, anal pain can refer to many different conditions such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, cancer, anal tumours. rectal or anal abscess... These diseases, if not treated in time, affect the quality of life, can seriously harm health, and spread to neighboring parts. other proximity.

Khám sức khỏe định kỳ giúp mọi người sớm phát hiện bệnh lý nguy hiểm
Khám sức khỏe định kỳ giúp mọi người sớm phát hiện bệnh lý nguy hiểm

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