Burning bowel movements, having a bunch of excess skin in the anus is what disease?

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Tell me, I am 18 years old, one day I was constipated and had a little blood, a few days later I had anal burning but soft stools and no blood. The burning has been going on for 4 days now and I can feel the excess skin on my anus but it doesn't hurt to pull or touch it. May I ask if you have hemorrhoids or anal fissures?
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Hello! Your condition is usually caused by anal fissures, you try to have regular bowel movements, avoid constipation, eat a lot of fiber, drink a lot of water to soften the stool. If that doesn't help, you should make an appointment to see your doctor.
You can go to the clinics and hospitals of Vinmec Health System nationwide to get more advice from doctors.
Thank you for trusting Vinmec. We look forward to meeting with you for more specific advice.
Answered by Doctor Le Thanh Tuan - Gastroenterologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
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