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Articles in Anal fissure

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Uses of Anusol-HC
In the treatment of hemorrhoids, tablets, ointments or gels can be used. In addition, with small and shallow anal fissures, patients can use the dosage form in the form of placing directly into the anus-rectum. This drug is often used for its effectiveness and convenience, one of which is Anusol-hc .
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How to put Proctolog in the anus?
Proctolog belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs commonly used in the treatment of burning pain, itching in the anal area, overcoming hemorrhoids. The drug is usually used in the form of suppositories, so patients need to actively understand how to use Proctolog suppositories.
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Limiting fecal incontinence in children
Constipation in children is a fairly common problem, causing trouble and confusion for many parents. While children absolutely cannot control this problem on their own, parents need to know how to help children develop the best conditions in the first years of life.
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Anal pain is hemorrhoids?
Anal pain is one of the common symptoms in many different diseases of the anus such as anal fissures, anorectal cancer, rectal ulcers... Sometimes, in many cases, pain The anus can also be seen as a sign of hemorrhoids.
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Blood in the stool should go for a health check?
Hello doctor. I am currently having bloody stools for about three weeks, bright red blood dripping, but not always bleeding. When cleaning, there is no burning sensation. Please ask the doctor with this condition should I go to check?
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Burning bowel movements, having a bunch of excess skin in the anus is what disease?
Let me ask, I am 18 years old, one day I was constipated and had a little blood, a few days later I had anal burning but soft stools and no blood.
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Having a round tumor next to the anal interstitium with itching, difficulty in defecation is a sign of what disease?
First of all, I would like to introduce my condition, at the edge of the anal opening, I have a round tumor about 1cm in diameter. Initially, there are signs of uncomfortable burning pain, sometimes itching, itching spreading to the outside of the anus.
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Question: What is anal pain and itching?
Hi doctor! According to my research online as well as monitoring I feel that I am having an anal fissure due to the last time I went to the toilet, the stools are hard and big. After that, I noticed cracks around the anus causing pain when standing, sitting or doing other things.
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What medicine should I take after giving birth 3 months after giving birth or having blood or anal pain?
Hello doctor. I had anal itching while pregnant. My baby is 3 months old now. Every few days, I have blood in the stool and pain in the anus. So 3 months after giving birth or having blood in the stool, pain in the anus, what medicine should I take?
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Common causes of anal fissures
Among anorectal diseases, anal fissures are the third most common after hemorrhoids and infections. Although anal fissures are not life-threatening, they cause a lot of discomfort for the patient. So what is the cause of anal fissure?
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How to fix anal fissure surgery?
I am a boy, 23 years old this year and just had an anal fissure surgery 10 days ago. After surgery, I went to the toilet once every 3 days. Every time I go outside, it hurts because the wound has not healed, it is very normal, no bleeding. So far, I see signs of healing, a little itching and can walk normally, but when I go to the toilet, I have symptoms like severe constipation (I sit with moderate force to push the stool out to the anal hole). but then I got stuck and couldn't get out, then I soaked it in warm water and continued to try hard, after 30 minutes I split the seeds until the stool was gone) I gently washed it with warm water mixed with water. salt and soak for another 4 minutes. After that, when I entered, I felt pain and swelling and a feeling of tightness and heaviness in the anus. Please let me know if this is serious and how to fix it after anal fissure surgery?
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