After three days of treatment at Vinmec Phu Quoc for a fractured arm complex, the boy returns to school

Quoc Anh (11 years old, from Duong Dong, Phu Quoc) felt swelling and soreness on his right wrist after falling on his hand on the school yard on December 5, 2020. Initially, the family planned to take the infant to Vinmec Phu Quoc for an evaluation and, if the hospital was unable to treat the child, the youngster would be transported to Ho Chi Minh City for treatment. The family opted to have the youngster treated on the island after a comprehensive evaluation by the specialists and an effective procedure of straightening and casting.

Dr. Pham Van Minh, Department of Surgery, Vinmec Hospital, provided the pediatric patient with an X-ray so he could see the whole state of the forearm following the fracture. The newborn had a fracture of the lower head of the ulnar bone, as well as a fracture of the lower third of the right radial bone, which was displaced and bent at a 30 degree angle, according to the doctor. Because of the large displacement, this type of fracture is extremely difficult to treat.

Dr. Pham Van Minh, an experienced orthopedic trauma surgeon, has successfully treated complicated fractures in children on numerous occasions. The best way is to anesthetize the fracture before straightening and securing the forearm cast splint under a bright X-ray screen. An X-ray screen is used at Vinmec Phu Quoc so that the doctor can observe the fracture position during osteopathy and correct it.

With careful consultation from the doctor, Mr. Luu Quang Tiep decided to have his child straightened and splinted right at Vinmec Phu Quoc Hospital. With that decision of the family, baby Quoc Anh was straightened and splinted forearm arm. After that, the doctor took an X-ray again, checked after straightening and splinting, it was well straightened, the bones were straight. This is a signal that the treatment is appropriate. After 3 weeks of fracture, Quoc Anh was taken to the hospital to remove the cast. The results of X-ray examination showed that the broken humerus bone healed well, straightened the axis, was able to bend and stretch the right forearm 50% of the time.

Quoc Anh only missed three days of school during his therapy, therefore his grades were unaffected. Furthermore, parents are not required to transport their children to Ho Chi Minh City for treatment, ensuring that family life is not disrupted. The family is incredibly satisfied and grateful to the Vinmec Phu Quoc doctors. Quoc Anh can now move his arm normally, flexibly, and painlessly. Mr. Luu Quang Tiep trusted the doctor's skill and the quality of service at Vinmec Phu Quoc Hospital the first time he treated his child with a very complicated forearm fracture but with very satisfactory results.

Vinmec Phu Quoc has invested in contemporary equipment and collected a team of experienced, qualified specialists and doctors as one of the first Vinmec Health System hospitals on Phu Quoc Island. good subjects to be able to handle the medical examination and treatment demands of both local and international tourists on the island As a result, not only Tiep's family but also many foreign patients have put their trust in Vinmec Phu Quoc for a variety of treatments, particularly in critical departments of the hospital such emergency, orthopedic trauma, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology,...

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