8 health benefits of quince

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Quince is a fruit that has been around for a long time, in which the fruit is used a lot in folk medicine to treat digestive disorders, allergies and high blood sugar. In addition, modern medicine has also studied some of its effects such as treating ulcers and gastric reflux, pregnancy, and improving the immune system.

1. What is quince?

Quince (Cydonia oblonga) is an ancient fruit native to different parts of Asia and the Mediterranean. It began to be cultivated in ancient Greece and Rome and is a close relative of familiar fruits such as apples and pears.
Quince fruit has an egg shape about 10-15cm long, inside the fruit has a hard core, yellow-brown spongy flesh, and fragrant. However, unlike other fruits, kumquats cannot be eaten raw, but only after being cooked or processed into jam.
Quince has been used in folk medicine for decades, but research on this plant is still in its early stages. Currently, quince is mainly used for the treatment of digestive disorders, allergies and high blood sugar.

2. What is the effect of quince?

2.1. Nutrient-rich quinces contain fiber and several essential vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious choice for almost any diet. Nutrition facts in a 92g quince fruit include:
Calories: 52 Fat: 0 grams Protein: 0.3 grams Carbs: 14 grams Fiber: 1.75 grams Vitamin C: 15% Daily Value ( DV) Thiamine (vitamin B1): 1.5% DV Vitamin B6: 2% DV Copper: 13% DV Iron: 3.6% DV Potassium: 4% DV Magnesium: 2% DV Quince provides vitamin C and copper in moderation, with small amounts of B vitamins, iron, potassium and magnesium, and no calories.
2.2. Contains powerful antioxidants Antioxidants reduce metabolic stress, reduce inflammation and protect cells against damage by free radicals.
Quince is a rich source of antioxidants. Studies show that some of the antioxidants in quince, including quercetin and kaempferol, reduce inflammation and prevent chronic diseases.
2.3. Managing Nausea in Pregnancy The most common symptoms in early pregnancy are nausea and vomiting, which can be alleviated by quince. A study of 76 pregnant women found that 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of quince syrup was significantly more effective than 20 mg of vitamin B6 in reducing nausea during pregnancy. Although these results are promising, more research is still needed.

Mộc qua có những tác dụng tuyệt vời với sức khỏe người dùng
Mộc qua có những tác dụng tuyệt vời với sức khỏe người dùng

2.4. Relieve Digestive Problems Quince has long been used in folk medicine to treat a variety of digestive disorders. Recent research suggests that quince extract may protect intestinal tissue against damage associated with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as ulcerative colitis.
In a study of rats with ulcerative colitis, those given quince extract and juice significantly reduced colon tissue damage, compared with a control group. However, studies on human subjects are needed to demonstrate real efficacy.
2.5. Treats Stomach Ulcers Plant compounds in quince may help prevent and treat stomach ulcers. Results from a test-tube study showed that quince juice inhibits the growth of H. pylori, a bacteria known to cause stomach ulcers. Meanwhile, a study in rats showed that quince extract protected against alcoholic peptic ulcer disease. Although these results are promising, more research is needed.
2.6. Reducing Acid Reflux Symptoms Quince syrup can help manage symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), more commonly known as acid reflux.
A 7-week study of 80 children with acid reflux found that taking a daily quince syrup supplement was as effective as traditional acid reflux medications.
In a study in 137 pregnant women, a dose of 10 mg of quince syrup taken after meals was shown to be as effective as medication for acid reflux.
Additionally, in a 4-week study in 96 children with acid reflux, using quince concentrate along with traditional medication improved symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite, belching and abdominal pain, to a greater extent than with medication alone.

Nên sử dụng mộc qua một cách khoa học để phát huy công dụng của nó
Nên sử dụng mộc qua một cách khoa học để phát huy công dụng của nó

2.7. What is the effect of anti-allergic quince? Anti-allergy is one answer to this question. Quince can relieve various allergy symptoms by blocking the activity of certain immune cells that cause allergic reactions.
Gencydo, an allergy medicine that combines lemon juice and quince extract, has been shown to prevent and treat mild allergic reactions, such as runny nose and asthma.
Studies in rats suggest that quince seed and fruit extracts can prevent and treat atopic dermatitis. However, it remains unclear whether they have the same effect in humans.
2.8. Supports immune function Quince may support immune system function. Test-tube research shows it has antibacterial properties that can help prevent the overgrowth of certain harmful bacteria, such as E. coli and S. aureus. In addition, one quince provides 15% of the DV of vitamin C, which is essential for a healthy immune system. The amount of fiber found in quince can help feed the healthy bacteria that live in the digestive tract, which in turn helps reduce inflammation and improve resistance to infection.

3. How to cook quince

Quince is rarely eaten raw because the flesh is very chewy and has a sour, astringent taste. Most quince lovers accept that the fruit is best eaten ripe.
After cutting the quince, put it in a pot with water with a little sugar, simmer until the meat is tender. In addition to sugar, you can also try adding other spices like vanilla, cinnamon, ginger and star anise.
You can eat only cooked quince or mix it with oatmeal, fruit tarts, pies, yogurt or roast pork to eat. Moreover, you have another option of making quince jam. In the process of making jam, you should pay attention to the amount of sugar added, because jam often contains a lot of sugar and makes you easy to eat too much.

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Reference source: healthline
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