Typically, arm exercises involve the use of weights. However, there are plenty of exercises that strengthen and tone your arms effectively without requiring any fancy equipment. Here are 8 arm exercises you can try without weights: bicep curls to push press, arm circles, and more.
1. Arm circles
Strengthen your shoulders and arms with simple yet highly effective circular motions. This exercise can be performed in just a few minutes without any equipment. Steps include:
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms straight out to the sides to form a T-shape with your body.
- Slowly rotate your shoulders and arms to create forward circles with a diameter of about 1 foot.
- Perform 15 circles, then reverse the direction and complete 15 more circles going the opposite way.
- Complete a total of 3 sets.
2. Tricep dips
Tricep dips target the triceps by utilizing body weight. You can use a stable bench, chair, sofa, or even a low wall for this exercise. Steps:
- Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the bench or chair and extend your legs in front of you.
- Keep your elbows slightly bent to maintain tension in the triceps.
- Slowly lower your body toward the floor by bending your elbows until they form a 90-degree angle. Ensure your back remains close to the bench.
- Hold the lowered position for a second, then push up on the bench to straighten your elbows.
- Repeat 15 times.

3. Bicep curls to push press
This exercise focuses primarily on the biceps while it also engages the deltoid muscles. You can perform this exercise with weights or everyday household items like water bottles or canned goods. Steps include:
- Stand with feet hip-width apart and back straight.
- Hold your work-on object in one hand, palm facing forward, arm extended down by your side.
- Keep your elbow close to your body as you curl your bicep, lifting the object to your shoulder in a controlled motion.
- Rotate your hand outward so your palm and wrist face upward as you press the object overhead, fully extending your arm.
- Slowly lower the object back to the starting position.
- Complete 8 repetitions with each arm before switching to the other arm.
- Aim for 3 sets on both sides.
4. Plank sidewalk
The sidewalk plank is an exercise that tones your abs while strengthening your arms. Steps include:
- Set a timer for 1 minute before beginning.
- Start in a high plank position with arms extended directly under your shoulders and palms firmly on the floor.
- Extend your legs straight back, with your toes pressed into the ground.
- Instead of remaining stationary, move your hands and feet to the side, taking 2–3 steps in one direction.
- Return to the starting point and repeat the steps in the opposite direction. Continue alternating until the timer ends.
- Add an additional 30 seconds or more if you feel capable.
5. Kickboxing punches
If you've ever taken a boxing class, you know how effective punches are for burning calories. This exercise tones and strengthens the arms and upper back. Steps include:
- Stand with feet hip-width apart.
- Raise your right arm at a 45-degree angle with your fist positioned just below your jawline.
- Extend your arm across your body, aiming an imaginary punch forward. Apply force but avoid overusing shoulder muscles.
- Perform 15 strong punches with one arm, then switch to the other arm.
- Complete 4 sets on both sides.

6. Rolling pushups
Replace traditional pushups with this full-body exercise that tones the arms while targeting the back and shoulders. Steps include:
- Begin in a high plank position, lowering yourself as in a traditional pushup.
- Upon returning to the starting position, lift one arm off the ground and extend it toward the ceiling. Rotate your body to place the opposite arm on the ground behind you. Raise the other arm up as you rotate into an elevated front plank position.
- Lower your body for another pushup and repeat the motion with the opposite side.
- Perform 10 rolling push ups per set, completing a total of 3 sets.
7. Side plank
This exercise targets the shoulders and arms. Steps include:
- Lie on your right side and lift your body off the ground.
- Stabilize yourself with your forearm on the ground, ensuring your arm forms a 90-degree angle with your shoulder.
- Extend your legs, using your feet to provide support, forming your body a straight line with your head to your feet.
- Stretch your upper arm straight toward the ceiling.
- Hold for 30 seconds before switching to the left side and repeating.

8. Superman
The superman exercise engages your entire body, strengthening your core, spine, arms, shoulders, and glutes. Steps include:
- Lie face down on a yoga mat.
- Extend your arms and legs fully while keeping your neck aligned.
- Keeping your torso stable, lift your arms and legs toward the ceiling, forming a "U" shape with your body.
- Hold for 5 seconds, then lower your arms and legs back to the starting position.
- Repeat the movement 10 times per set, completing 3 sets.
To sum up, these exercises effectively tone and strengthen your arms without weights and can easily be performed at home. Always warm up before starting your workout to prevent injury. Create a suitable exercise routine to achieve the desired results.
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