10 tips to safely lose 100 pounds

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Losing weight is never an easy process, no matter how big or small the goal is. The goal of losing 100 pounds (45kg) is quite a large number and will be especially difficult for beginners. Fortunately, there are a number of proven and healthy weight loss methods that can help achieve this goal.

1. 10 safe weight loss tips

1.1 Control the amount of calories absorbed

To lose weight, the body needs to go through the process of consuming more energy than it takes in. There are two ways to control this process, one is to reduce the amount of food consumed in the body, the other is to increase the exercise rate. Controlling your body's calories in and out helps determine if weight loss is on track and adjusts from there.
In fact, based on a review of 37 studies, totaling 16,000 participants, found that weight loss methods that required calorie tracking were significantly more effective, losing 3.3kg per year compared to those methods. Does not require control of calorie intake. The amount of calories needed daily for each person is different, based on weight, lifestyle, gender and activity rate of the body.
Some easy ways to keep track of your calorie intake is to use a support application on your phone or directly record a meal diary. Tracking calories is not enough to make weight loss effective, but it is a very important step to start, combined with lifestyle changes and foods consumed.

Kiểm soát lượng calo ra và vào của cơ thể giúp giảm cân an toàn
Kiểm soát lượng calo ra và vào của cơ thể giúp giảm cân an toàn

1.2 Increase fiber intake

Fiber has a complex structure, inhibits the elimination activity of the stomach, making the body fuller for longer. Therefore, it is very good in the process of losing weight. Studies have shown that fiber in general, especially soluble fiber in particular, has the ability to reduce hunger hormones such as ghrelin and enhance the production of hormones that create feelings of fullness such as cholecystokinin. By suppressing appetite, fiber helps the body reduce the amount of calories absorbed thereby supporting the weight loss process.
A study has shown that increasing fiber intake to 14 grams means a 10% decrease in daily calories, resulting in a loss of 1.9 kg. This study was conducted under the condition that factors such as lifestyle and other eating habits remained unchanged. Although more evidence is needed to prove this study is applicable, the role of fiber in weight loss cannot be denied.

1.3 Increase protein intake

High-protein diets have been shown to boost metabolism, curb appetite, maintain muscle mass and reduce harmful belly fat. Some studies show that following a protein-rich diet can help the body burn 80 to 100 more calories per day.
In one study, overweight women on a 30% protein maintenance diet lost 5 kg in 12 weeks without restricting their calorie intake. What's more, a high-protein diet has the ability to keep weight stable and limit weight gain.

Đạm được tìm thấy trong nhiều loại thực phẩm như trứng, thịt, rau
Đạm được tìm thấy trong nhiều loại thực phẩm như trứng, thịt, rau

1.4 Cut down on refined flours

Refined starches, also known as simple starches, are refined sugars and grains that have lost nutrients and fiber during processing. Common sources of refined flour include white bread, white flour, pasta, candy, and cakes.
Refined starch is not only a low-nutrient food source but also has a high glycemic index, which is digested and absorbed by the body very quickly. This can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which in turn increases cravings and hunger causing muscle overeating. In addition, several studies have linked the consumption of highly refined carbs and an increase in visceral fat, a type of fat that is associated with a higher risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease. A study of 2,834 participants showed that when the body ate a high amount of refined carbs, more belly fat was produced, whereas when the body ate a higher amount of whole grains, the body produced less excess fat. more in the abdomen.
So, considering completely changing the amount of refined carbs to whole grains like oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa, whole grains in your daily diet is a great choice in the process. weight loss program.

1.5 Take responsibility and monitor the process

With goals like losing 100 pounds (45kg), willpower alone is not always enough to guarantee long-term success. This is why it's so important to take responsibility for yourself, as it provides a long-term direction in your weight loss journey.
One way to keep track of the process is to weigh and measure more often. Research has shown that people who weigh themselves regularly are more likely to lose weight and pursue long-term goals than those who don't pay attention to their weight readings.
Another way to be responsible with weight loss is to keep a food diary. This is useful in tracking food intake thereby leading to the right solutions.
Finally, teaming up with a friend with similar weight loss goals, or joining an in-person or online weight loss group is a popular but effective option. Doing so will not only help achieve your goals, but it will also make the weight loss process more enjoyable and motivating.

Theo dõi cân nặng bản thân hàng ngày sẽ giúp duy trì việc giảm cân
Theo dõi cân nặng bản thân hàng ngày sẽ giúp duy trì việc giảm cân

1.6 Eat more vegetables when hungry

Although most people know that vegetables are good for health, research shows that about 91% of people in the United States do not eat enough green vegetables each day. In addition to being good for health, vegetables also work to help lose weight. Green vegetables are a good source of fiber that can slow the rate of gastric emptying and increase the feeling of fullness for the body.
In addition, green vegetables contain high water content, low calorie, effective in minimizing calorie absorption. Choosing low-calorie foods, like green vegetables and fruits, over refined carbs, allows the body to consume the same amount of food but with a lower total number of calories. In fact, studies show that adults who eat a diet high in greens regularly tend to be underweight than others.

1.7 Do full body cardio exercises

Exercise is very important in the weight loss process. Cardio, also known as aerobic exercise, is a popular form of physical activity that burns more calories and promotes heart health.
A study of 141 people who were overweight or obese showed a miraculous weight loss effect of doing cardio exercises 5 times a week continuously for 10 months corresponding to 400-600 calories. calories are burned from the body a week.
Researchers show that high-intensity cardio participants who can burn 400 to 600 calories can lose up to 3.9 kg and 5.2 kg, respectively. Similarly, another study in 141 participants observed that just 40 minutes of cardio, 3 times per week for 6 months, resulted in an average 9% reduction in body weight.

Tập thể dục vừa có lợi cho sức khỏe vừa giúp giảm cân
Tập thể dục vừa có lợi cho sức khỏe vừa giúp giảm cân

Additionally, studies have shown that cardio can help you burn harmful belly fat, also known as visceral fat. This type of fat is located in the abdominal cavity and is known to cause diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.
If cardio isn't the usual exercise, walking more often during the week and slowly progressing to jogging, water walking or cycling can also have similar results.

1.8 Set of exercises using weights

Weight training is about increasing the body's ability to resist a force to improve muscle strength and endurance. Although these exercises are usually performed with heavy weights, when starting out, using your own body weight works very well. Doing these exercises can aid weight loss by slightly increasing your metabolism, causing your body to burn more calories at rest.
A study in 61 people showed that an average of 9 months of regular weightlifting can increase the number of calories the body burns while resting by about 5%. Another study found that regular weightlifting for 10 weeks increased calories burned by 7%, improved high blood pressure and reduced body fat by an average of 1.8 kg.
The easiest way to start this workout regimen is to go to the gym and try endurance exercises, like squats, lunges, sit-ups and planks. These exercises use your own body weight, so you can do them at home at any time.

Tập tạ là một phương pháp tập luyện tăng cường sức bền
Tập tạ là một phương pháp tập luyện tăng cường sức bền

1.9 Maintain the mindset of eating

There are several ways to maintain a healthy eating mindset, but the most common include eating slowly, chewing food thoroughly, and avoiding external distractions while eating such as your phone, computer or tablet. TELEVISION. Research has shown that the habit of eating slowly, chewing thoroughly can help control portions, eat less while the body still feels full and satisfied.

1.10 Consult a nutritionist

With a big weight loss goal like losing 45 kg, one of the best and most reputable ways is to seek the support of a qualified nutritionist. They can not only help advise on the best way to lose excess fat while ensuring the quality of meals, but also support throughout the journey.
Furthermore, studies have shown that working with a dietitian during your weight loss journey can lead to more significant weight loss as well as help with weight maintenance after the process.

Chuyên gia dinh dưỡng sẽ đưa cho bạn những lời khuyên về việc giảm cân
Chuyên gia dinh dưỡng sẽ đưa cho bạn những lời khuyên về việc giảm cân

2. How long does it take to lose 45kg

It should be noted that the process of losing 45 kg can take at least 6 months to a year or longer. Most experts recommend slow but steady weight loss - such as losing 0.5 to 1 kg, or about 1% of your body weight per week. People with a higher starting body weight lose more weight than those with a lighter starting body weight. However, the rate of weight loss tends to be similar to the percentage.
For example, a person weighing 136 kg can lose up to 4.5 kg in the first 2 weeks of the diet. Meanwhile, a person of the same age and sex who weighs 73kg can only lose 2.3kg, despite consuming a similar amount of calories and sharing the same level of activity. However, when you first start with a diet, especially a low-carb diet, the body will go through a faster weight loss process.
Although most people want to lose weight fast, sudden weight loss can cause harm to the body, for example malnutrition, hair loss, muscle loss, fatigue, constipation, loss water, gallstones and menstrual disorders.
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Reference article Healthline.com
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