Should you eat bananas before a workout?

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Bananas are one of the most popular pre-workout snacks. They are not only easy to carry, can be used directly, delicious, but also rich in starch and easy to digest. What's more, bananas are nutrient-dense and may provide some benefits to increasing exercise performance thanks to important nutrients like potassium.

1. Banana is a rich source of starch

Like other fruits, bananas are a good source of starch, with about 27-grams of powdered sugar in 1 medium banana. After absorption, starch is converted into glucose (sugar), which is the body's main source of energy. Consuming starches can increase glycogen stores, which is the form of glucose stored in the muscles and liver that the body uses for energy during many types of exercise.
Eating bananas before exercise can be especially beneficial for long-term endurance training, such as cycling or jogging. One study in 11 people found that consuming carbs 15 minutes before starting an endurance run increased performance and extended the time before exhaustion by about 13%.

Chuối cung cấp nguồn tinh bột dồi dào cho cơ thể trước khi luyện tập
Chuối cung cấp nguồn tinh bột dồi dào cho cơ thể trước khi luyện tập
However, because bananas are relatively high in carbs, they may not be a pre-workout snack option for people on a low-carb or keto diet.

2. Bananas are an easily digestible source of energy

In addition to providing a good amount of starchy sugar in each serving, a certain amount of nutrients in bananas is fiber. Fiber has the ability to slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood, thereby providing cells with a stable amount of glucose, helping to increase fitness during exercise. Ripe bananas in particular contain a lot of simple starches and are low in fat, making the digestion process simpler than consuming other products.
In fact, bananas are often recommended by experts for people with digestive problems like nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Therefore, bananas can be a good choice as a pre-workout snack, as they can provide the body with long-lasting energy without weighing it down or causing stomach upset.

Chuối giúp cơ thể có nguồn năng lượng lâu dài mà không bị nặng bụng
Chuối giúp cơ thể có nguồn năng lượng lâu dài mà không bị nặng bụng

3. Potassium-rich foods

Bananas are a rich source of potassium, a medium-sized banana can provide about 10% to 14% of the daily value for potassium. Potassium is an important mineral that helps balance blood pressure, maintain nerve function, control and balance body fluids, and support muscle health.
In fact, low levels of potassium in the body can cause cramps, sudden, painful contractions that affect muscle parts of the body. Potassium is thought to be excreted through sweat. Therefore, for people with high exercise intensity, consuming potassium-rich products such as bananas is very important to ensure electrolytes for the body. One study in 230 women found that those who experienced muscle cramps and spasms tended to have low potassium intake.
Therefore, eating a fresh banana or combining them with a good source of protein like yogurt or peanut butter can be an effective pre-workout snack.
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