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Articles in Diet

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Regimex: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Regimex (also known as Benzphetamine) belongs to the class of sympathomimetic amine drugs whose main effect is to suppress appetite, support weight loss for people with obesity. The drug is often prescribed to be used in combination with a reasonable diet and exercise regimen to maximize its benefits.
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What does Nasrix do?
Nasrix Blood Ointment is used with diet to lower “bad” cholesterol (LDL) levels, increase “good” cholesterol levels, and reduce overall levels of fats in the blood. Thus, knowing "what nasrix does" and in combination with other measures to control cholesterol levels, patients will be increased protection against heart attacks, strokes as well as atherosclerotic events. blood vessels in general.
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Uses of Spivital algae tablets
Spivital algae tablets help provide protein and minerals, fight depression and supplement nutrients, improve resistance. Spivital is used in cases of insufficient nutrition or weakness.
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The truth about bread and dieting
According to nutritionists, bread is a food with many health benefits. That's because bread contains many important vitamins. This is also a food chosen by many dieters because it supports the weight process very well, especially breads made from whole grains.
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Can I eat sugar if I have acid reflux?
Acid reflux occurs when substances from the stomach move up the esophagus. It is also known as acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux. If you have symptoms of acid reflux more than twice a week, you may have a condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which, if left untreated, can sometimes cause symptoms. cause serious complications.
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How to get rid of heartburn?
Heartburn is most fully described as a painful, burning sensation that occurs in the area under the chest. Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux, a condition in which stomach acid escapes into your esophagus, the tube that carries food and drink to your stomach.
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Diet in Ulcerative Colitis (Part 1)
For many people with ulcerative colitis, finding the right diet plan is a process of elimination. There is no one diet proven to help with ulcerative colitis, but some eating plans can help some people with the condition stop their symptoms.
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Diet in Ulcerative Colitis (Part 2)
People with ulcerative colitis or other gastrointestinal diseases need to pay close attention to building a reasonable diet to ensure nutrition for the body and not make the disease worse.
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What happens if ulcerative colitis is left untreated?
Currently, there is no cure for this disease other than surgical removal of the colon. But some treatments and lifestyle changes can help ease symptoms. When receiving a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis, one of the hardest things to learn is that long-term medication and lifestyle changes may be needed to relieve ulcerative colitis.
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What causes hunger and what can be done to manage symptoms?
Hunger is sometimes just a simple sign that you need to tolerate food in your body, but if hunger often appears, accompanied by nausea, abdominal pain, heartburn ... then this is usually a sign. of pathological problems, of which the most common is the stomach.
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Foods and Drugs to Avoid When You Have Hepatitis C
The liver has always been seen as the body's chemical processing factory. One of the liver's important jobs is to filter and process anything that comes into the body. However, if you have hepatitis C in particular and liver diseases in general, the above function can be problematic. When substances are left in the body longer, it will cause certain effects and damage to the liver.
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