1. What happens if women have too much sex?
How do you know if you are having too much sex?
It's when sex affects your thoughts which then affect your work and daily life.
Too much sex causes less mucus to be produced in the vagina after so many sexual encounters, causing vaginal dryness. This is because deep insertion hurts and may be hard to reach orgasm. If a woman feels pain during sex, it is better to avoid it for some a while. It allows the vagina to take rest and prevent its swelling, pain, and tears that may cause inflammation or other long-term gynecological complications. Having too much sex without keeping the area clean before and after acts can alter the natural pH levels of the vagina, which increases vulnerability to gynecological diseases.
2. How is men's health affected if they happen to have too much sex?
In any given relationship, men always play the active role, and that tends to drain away lots of energy as their heart must beat fast, muscles need to keep moving. Too much sex, thus, results in tiredness and weakness, and over time can lead to the weakening of the heart, kidneys, impotence, premature ejaculation, testicular inflammation, prostatic, and several other illnesses.
Besides, having high-frequency sex can make one lose their sex drive. The level of satisfaction will be less and less overtime, if prolonged, can make both less desirable for each other, gradually it can turn into a state of indifference, apathy with sex.

3. How Much Sex is Enough?
The right amount of sex has many health benefits and helps to make the relationship between husband and wife stronger. For the time being, there is no certain number as to how often people should have sex, as it depends on so many factors like age and health of each person. Generally, the frequency of sex is guided as follows:
20 - 25 years old: Have sex about 3 times a week. 30 - 50 years old: Have sex about 2 times a week. Over 50 years: Have sex about once a week; some people do not need to have sex anymore. However, sometimes it is necessary to stop having sex to protect health until it gradually returns to a regular amount, for example:
People who are sick, having weak health; people having blood pressure problems, heart diseases, are already under treatment; people who have recently undergone surgery.
To save you from various sexually transmitted diseases and infection due to excess sex, you should use a condom or other contraceptive methods while having sexual intercourse.
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