Attention to care and abstaining after abortion

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Tran Lam Khoa - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
After the abortion, the pregnant woman will feel slight pain in the first few days and vaginal bleeding like menstruation within 3 days to 1 week, so pay attention if the abdominal pain is increasing, the bleeding is abnormal. .

1. Care after abortion

1.1 Abstain from sex for 1 month The first and most important rule is not to have sex for at least a week. This will avoid unwanted pregnancy as well as limit unnecessary damage to the cervix.
The abortion will cause hormonal disturbances, change the menstrual cycle, and adversely affect reproductive health. Due to hormonal imbalance, if you do not protect the intimate area carefully, it will create an opportunity for bacteria to enter, increasing the risk of inflammation, infection and possibly bleeding.
1.2 Do not do heavy work It is necessary to abstain from vigorous exercise, to rest in moderation, to think positively to keep yourself in a relaxed state of mind to help recovery go faster.
1.3 Pay attention to nutrition It is necessary to provide yourself with adequate nutrients through your diet. It is necessary to supplement many vitamins and nutrients through foods and vegetables.
1.4 Regarding personal hygiene, clean the private area according to the instructions of the doctor, do not arbitrarily use cleaning solutions other than those prescribed by the doctor and must regularly re-examine at the right time. regulation.
Do not douche or anything into the vagina Do not use harsh chemicals Clean the private area from front to back, avoid reverse cleaning

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn có hiểu đúng về dấu hiệu mang thai sớm?

Các dấu hiệu mang thai sớm không phải chỉ mỗi trễ kinh mà còn có rất nhiều dấu hiệu khác như xuất huyết âm đạo, ngực căng tức,… Điểm xem bạn biết được bao nhiêu dấu hiệu mang thai sớm thông qua bài trắc nghiệm này nhé!

2. What should be fasted after abortion?

Limit junk food, fried and greasy food: junk food, fast food, greasy fried food like french fries,... are the favorites of many people who seem harmless but they are foods that are very high in calories and fat. Stimulant drinks such as alcohol, beer, coffee, carbonated drinks, ...

Hạn chế tuyệt đối đồ ăn vặt, đồ chiên dầu mỡ
Hạn chế tuyệt đối đồ ăn vặt, đồ chiên dầu mỡ

3. What should I eat after abortion?

3.1 Supplementing with protein from nutrient-rich foods Dredging causes blood loss from the body, and bleeding can last up to 1 week later. Protein is a very good nutrient for blood regeneration. Therefore, it is advisable to increase protein-rich foods in meals such as meat (especially beef), animal liver, legumes, eggs and milk.
3.2 Foods rich in vitamins Supplement with basic vitamins such as vitamins C, B1, B2, vitamin E. In fresh fruits and green vegetables such as: spinach, amaranth, tomatoes, raw bean sprouts, squash Red, apples, grapes contain extremely rich vitamin content, in addition, they also contain iron and phosphorus to help quickly improve anemia in the body. If you feel bored and difficult to eat, you can replace it by drinking fruit juice or fruit smoothies.
3.3 Folic acid is essential for women who have just had an abortion. Folic acid is a vitamin of group B that works in the regeneration of red blood cells. Supplement folic acid from foods that are easy to find such as: animal liver, green vegetables, bread, corn, peas, mushrooms.
3.4 Calcium supplements to reduce aches and pains, fatigue The body lacks calcium causing insomnia, sluggishness, aching limbs. Therefore, calcium supplementation is extremely necessary for rapid health recovery. Do not forget to add calcium from seafood, almonds, dark green vegetables, kiwi, mushrooms,...
3.5 Easily digestible foods To facilitate the absorption of nutrients Nutrition, avoid intestinal diseases, experts advise women to use easily digestible foods such as sweet potatoes, bananas, avocados, zucchini, chicken.
In addition to adding nutrient-rich foods, you should pay attention to drink a lot of water or at least drink enough water (2 liters/day) to promote metabolism inside the body. Can drink more milk or fruit juice. Although the body is tired and does not want to eat, it is definitely not allowed to skip meals, you can divide meals to limit anorexia.

4. What are complications after abortion?

From the beginning to the end, metal instruments must be inserted and removed, so there is a possibility of damage to the uterus, possibly even perforation of the cervix and uterus. Some major complications after abortion can happen to the patient:
Perforation of the uterus. Haemorrhage. Cervical tear during the procedure. Adhesions of the uterus usually present with oligomenorrhea, or no return of menstruation may be observed. Leftover vegetables show prolonged bleeding, easy to be infected. Miscarriage: after aspiration, the fetal appendages are still present, continuing to develop. Inflammation of the appendages, uterine cavity due to inadequate sterility during the procedure, or poor hygiene afterward. Menstrual disorders after curettage, abortion: usually menorrhagia. Blocked fallopian tubes due to an inflammatory process that blocks both fallopian tubes affects future fertility

5. What signs need to be re-examined immediately?

You need to return to the medical facility for re-examination as soon as you have one of the following signs: Severe pain in the lower abdomen, muscle pain, abdominal pain. Have a fever or chills. Heavy bleeding (more than normal menstrual bleeding), lasting more than 10 days. Vagina secretes a lot of bad smell,...

Ra máu nhiều (nhiều hơn ra máu kinh bình thường), kéo dài hơn 10 ngày
Ra máu nhiều (nhiều hơn ra máu kinh bình thường), kéo dài hơn 10 ngày

6. What should be checked after abortion?

At the follow-up visit after the abortion, the pregnant woman will have a gynecological examination so that the doctor can check if the uterus has recovered well? Are there signs of a genital tract infection? Are there any other signs of vaginal bleeding? From there the doctor will prescribe treatment (if necessary).
If you do not re-examine, you will not be able to detect abnormalities and complications after abortion, which can easily lead to inflammation, uterine adhesions, and reproductive effects later.
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