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Articles in Condom

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Appearance of vaginal discharge after using emergency contraception
Hello doctor, I have a question about gynecology. I had sex for the first time and was on birth control pills. After 4 days of sex, I had a milky white discharge with a very unpleasant smell.
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Are lubricants for sex edible?
Lubricants are commonly used to reduce friction and enhance comfort during sexual activities. They come in various flavors, including green apple, cherry, vanilla, and more, which may resemble beverage flavors and seem edible. However, regardless of whether a lubricant is flavored or unflavored, it is essential to choose one that is safe for oral consumption. A lubricant that is not safe to ingest is also not safe to use near or inside the vagina or anus. In this article, we will provide useful information on why it is crucial to ensure that your favorite lubricant is edible and how to do so.
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Menstrual Disorders After Abortion: What You Need to Know
Normally, menstruation will return to normal after 4 weeks after abortion, however, after abortion, many women experience menstrual disorders, which can affect their health and future fertility.
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What is the Effect of Much Sexual Activity on the Body?
There is presently no specific number as to the frequency of sexual activities should take place; however, once one develops symptoms like problems in the body, weariness, or pain in sexual engagement, that is the time when modifications in sexual frequencies need to take into consideration, once too often.
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Unprotected Sex: What Are The Chances of Getting Pregnant?
Experts advocate condoms as a safe, simple, and 98% effective way of pregnancy control. In addition to the danger of unexpected pregnancy, having intercourse without a condom increases the risk of sexually transmitted illnesses such as HIV, Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.
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Is Anal Sex Safe for Individuals with Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are a common condition that causes swelling and discomfort in the rectal and anal areas. Many people wonder: Is it possible to engage in anal sex if you have hemorrhoids? According to experts, while it is technically possible, there are some key considerations to weigh before making a decision.
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