The harmful effects of eating too much spicy food

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For some people, spicy is indispensable in their meals. Spicy food helps them feel better when eating. However, the habit of using too spicy food may not bring health benefits.

1. The harmful effects of excessively spicy food

Using too spicy food can bring a number of harmful effects to health, including:
Eating too spicy food causes stomach pain When eating too spicy will make the stomach affected. The signs of the disease are easily recognized such as: Vomiting, heartburn, stomach burning or may cause gastroesophageal reflux. In addition, the stronger the spicy level, the more severe the stomach and duodenal ulcer.
Eating too spicy causes insomnia When using chili in meals can cause body temperature to rise, seriously affecting sleep during the day. Therefore, eating too much spicy food is the cause of difficulty falling asleep.
Loss of appetite with natural foods People who often use chili or spicy foods excessively in their daily meals can overload the taste buds of the tongue, leading to the reception of substances in food. affected, even lost the ability to distinguish taste. Therefore, if you eat too much spicy on a regular basis, it may not be beneficial for users. Therefore, you should eat spicy 2-3 times / week and eat with intermittent frequency.
Eating too much spicy causes heat in the body Using a lot of chili with a regular frequency along with a high degree of spicy can cause mouth ulcers or boils, burning in the anus as well as other organs.. In addition, in chili powder or fresh chili when moldy, aflatoxin will be formed, capable of causing poisoning and cancer. However, the composition of chili contains quite a lot of vitamins C, D, so it brings many health benefits...
For people with weak bodies, stomach and colon diseases, gallstones or people who often Using medicine should not use chili in daily meals because fresh chili can directly affect the health of the patient.

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Đồ ăn cay quá có thể gây tình trạng nóng trong người

Eating too spicy can cause acne Hot spicy food is hygroscopic, so it will make the skin rough, and hot spicy compounds also irritate the skin, making the skin prone to acne than. Therefore, people with dry skin should limit the use of hot spicy foods with high salt content...
As for women who are pregnant, spicy foods will affect their health. Mother and baby. In particular, pregnant mothers who eat spicy foods can cause allergic diseases in their children later or when the baby is born, it is easy to have heat rash and heat in the body.
For nursing mothers, do not use too spicy foods, because the concentration of spicy substances can pass through the milk and affect the baby. On the other hand, mothers who eat too much spicy substance also cause heat in the body, difficulty sleeping, ...

2. The useful effects of hot peppers

Although eating too much spicy will lead to some health hazards, but if used in the right amount and in the right way, the spicy taste of chili peppers can also bring some health benefits as follows:
Eating spicy can help relieve pain Capsaicin compounds in chili peppers have no smell, tasteless but have the ability to stimulate pain relief. People often use capsaicin as an effective natural pain reliever in cases after surgery, joint pain, mouth pain or some skin diseases.
Eating spicy can help prevent heart attacks The spicy taste of chili peppers can help blood circulation better, prevent the risk of cardiovascular events as well as help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol in the body.
Eating spicy can help limit snacking For people with flu, colds and respiratory diseases, chili peppers will help the body prevent effectively.
Eating spicy has anti-inflammatory, anti-depressive ability Chili in the diet with its characteristic spicy taste has the ability to help fight inflammation, especially diseases related to joints such as arthritis. In addition, it also has the ability to effectively fight depression.

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Ăn đồ ăn cay quá có một số lợi ích nhất định

Eating spicy has the ability to improve the digestive system Although, eating too spicy can change digestive enzymes, but if eaten spicy with the right dose, it helps to increase gastric secretion, digestion and appetite. and at the same time avoid bloating.
Eating spicy has the ability to help lose weight effectively In chili as well as in spicy foods such as pepper... contains capsaicin compounds that help burn more energy right after a meal, increasing the metabolism of body. From there, it helps you feel full and lose weight effectively.
Although eating too much spicy can cause health effects, but if adjusted and used properly, this spicy taste will bring many benefits to human health.

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