Researchers have found a relationship between the hormone leptin and weight index. Supplementing this hormone will help control body weight better. In addition, we can use foods containing this active ingredient. The article will introduce 9 foods that help increase Leptin for the body.
1. Information about leptin
The discovery of leptin in 1994 caused a lot of excitement as scientists hoped they could use it to help people control their body weight. Leptin is a hormone secreted by fat cells that affects how the body stores and burns energy. It is sometimes known as a satiety drug because it reduces appetite.
Researchers soon learned some facts about leptin that disproved their initial assumptions. They found that obese people had more leptin in their bodies but still gained weight. They thought that overweight people might have another condition: leptin resistance. Researchers also learned that leptin supplements didn’t work because they couldn’t cross the blood-brain barrier and be metabolized by the body.
2. Why do you need the Leptin?
In addition to regulating appetite, leptin has been found to play many roles in the body, including boosting the immune system, reducing inflammation, and building healthy bones. However, these roles require additional research to be fully supported.
Leptin works in conjunction with another hormone, ghrelin, which signals hunger. They are called hunger hormones because they control how often and how much you want to eat. However, scientists believe that leptin plays a more important role than ghrelin.
While leptin supplements are not effective for weight control, doctors treat certain conditions by injecting a synthetic form of leptin, including:
2.1. Congenital Leptin Deficiency
Congenital leptin deficiency leads to uncontrollable hunger. This condition is often detected early in life when children show signs of severe obesity and delayed puberty. Injections of a leptin analogue are effective in controlling this condition.
2.2. Generalised lipodystrophy
Generalised lipodystrophy presents as a serious condition in which individuals have virtually no body fat. They often accumulate fat in their organs and can develop metabolic health risks such as diabetes. Because they have few fat cells, people with this condition do not produce enough leptin. Therefore, they are treated with injections of synthetic leptin.

3. Foods that contain Leptin
Most food sources don't deliver leptin efficiently to your brain, so there's little point in looking for food sources that contain it. Instead, talk to your health care provider or doctor and discuss incorporating a satiety medication into your routine and making lifestyle changes to increase your body's leptin levels.
For leptin to work properly in your body, you need to get enough sleep. One study found that sleep-deprived people had higher levels of ghrelin, which makes you hungry, and lower levels of leptin, which makes you feel satisfied.
Your food choices are also important. Researchers are now looking at the relationship between leptin and triglycerides, a type of fat also known as lipids. Research shows that high triglycerides seem to affect the way leptin works in the body. A diet designed to lower triglycerides may help boost your leptin levels.
Eat these 9 foods to lower your triglyceride levels to help leptin work more effectively in your body:
- Berries
Replace sugary foods with fruits in their natural form, which are also included in the leptin food group. Berries like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are lower in sugar than some other fruits and may help lower your triglyceride levels. - Unsweetened beverages
Try herbal teas, black or green tea, or drink water with lemon or fruit juice to lower your triglyceride levels and boost your leptin levels. - Healthy cooking oils
When cooking, use moderate amounts of canola, olive, or high-oleic sunflower oil for most uses, which also doubles as a leptin supplement. - Vegetables
Eating vegetables raw, steamed, or sautéed is a great way to lower your triglyceride levels. Choose kale or cauliflower over starchy vegetables like corn or potatoes. - Legumes
Beans, peas, and lentils are great sources of protein and fiber, which can boost leptin function in your body. Try to avoid baked beans and others with added sugar.

- Lean meats, poultry, and fish
Fish is the best choice for lowering triglycerides. If you choose other animal proteins, scale your portion size down to about 3 ounces and cook with healthy oils for added benefits. - Grains
Try brown rice instead of white bread and whole-grain cereals instead of refined breads. Also, consider switching to whole-grain pasta or a healthier version like chickpea pasta to lower triglycerides. - Green Salads
Don’t forget to eat your greens! Boost your toppings and consider salad dressings that are low in salt, sugar, and fat. - Mushrooms
Mushrooms are nutrient-dense and low in calories, and may help regulate your triglyceride levels and boost your body's leptin.
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