What drugs do you take for fatty liver?

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Fatty liver is a dangerous disease and is on the rise in modern life today. It is worth mentioning that currently there is no specific drug to treat fatty liver disease. The use of medication is only for maintenance purposes so that the condition does not get worse. So what drugs do people with fatty liver take?

1. Causes and levels of fatty liver

The first cause of fatty liver disease is alcohol. But in some cases, there are also subjects who are not in the group of people who regularly use alcohol. At this time, some other common causes can be mentioned such as:
Obesity High blood fat Diabetes Inherited genes Losing weight too quickly Side effects of some drugs Fatty liver is divided into 3 different stages. Each stage of the disease has typical progressions such as:
Fatty liver grade 1: It can be considered the mildest stage, because at this time, the amount of fat accumulated in the liver is not much, only about 5%-10% of the weight. liver. This stage was also identified as having the highest incidence. Stage 1 disease usually does not have many symptoms that can only be detected during a physical exam or liver exam. So what drugs do you take with grade 1 fatty liver? In fact, at this stage, the patient can or does not need to take medicine. The most important thing is to change the diet, quit alcohol, smoke, should not eat greasy food. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will gradually reduce the disease. Fatty liver grade 2: Stage 2, the amount of fat in the liver accounts for about 10%-20%. At this time, the patient appears more symptoms of the disease such as: loss of appetite, loss of appetite, indigestion, bloating, nausea, frequent fatigue... treatments. Fatty liver grade 3: This is the most severe stage, the liver has accounted for more than 30% of the liver weight. If not treated promptly, the disease can develop into: hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer. Stage 3 patients also feel clearly when there are signs: fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, pain in the right lower quadrant, jaundice, yellow eyes...

2. Fatty liver should take what medicine?

Currently, there is no medicine to treat fatty liver, when detecting the disease, the doctor will base it on the liver enzymes ALT, AST, triglycerides, cholesterol, test for more bilirubin, albumin, coagulation, .. determine the condition and see the cause of the disease to advise on the most appropriate treatment for the patient.
When determining fatty liver disease, the patient can be treated with western or oriental medicine.
2.1 Western medicine treatment Group of vitamins: The vitamins B, C, E have the ability to protect liver cells thanks to their ability to dissolve excess fats. The full complement of vitamins helps the body increase resistance, strengthen immunity.
Group of amino acids: Arginine or methionine are amino acids that are widely used in fatty liver subjects. Arginine when entering the body helps neutralize NH3, thereby helping to detoxify the liver, reduce liver fat and restore liver function. Choline-containing drugs: Choline-containing drugs are often prescribed for patients with alcoholic fatty liver. When using the drug into the body, it helps to reduce discomfort, reduce damage to the liver and lower cholesterol quite effectively.
In addition to the above drug groups, there are statins and fibrates, which are good and necessary for people with fatty liver disease.
2.2 Treatment with Oriental Medicine In addition to western medicine, traditional medicine is also used quite a lot in the treatment of fatty liver. Famous can be mentioned such as: low-potency medicine, low blood pressure, low blood pressure, bad body... These remedies include many different herbs combined to treat fatty liver. such as: prickly pear, chlorophyll, artichoke, ...
Each remedy will have different uses, but most of them are sharp to get water to drink directly.
If you compare Eastern and Western medicine, you can see that each method has its own advantages and limitations. Western medicine helps the treatment to be effective, simple to use, but it is expensive and can have many side effects. The effectiveness of traditional medicine may be slower, but it is quite benign and does not cause side effects later on.
In fact, the treatment and use of any remedy will depend on the patient's age, medical condition, appointment of a doctor and wishes of the patient. In addition, patients should also note that no matter which treatment method is chosen, in addition to taking medication, it is also necessary to pay attention to lifestyle adjustments combined with a scientific diet.
In the diet of the day, the patient should eat a lot of green vegetables, vegetable oils, plant proteins. For foods rich in fat, animal fat, foods with high cholesterol, red meat, stimulants such as alcohol, beer, carbonated water, tea, coffee... should be eliminated in the daily diet. If you are overweight, you need to have an exercise regimen to lose weight. In short, once you have the information for the answer, what medicine to take, the patient should go to the doctor to be examined and advised on the best treatment method.

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