Does running in a raincoat help you lose weight?

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Weight loss is always a topic of interest to many people because it is not only beneficial for health but also an effective method to have a toned and neat body. One of the most discussed ways to lose weight can be said to the method of running in a raincoat. So in fact, does the method of running in a raincoat help you lose weight?

1. Does running raincoat help lose weight?

According to medicine, weight loss is the loss of total body mass due to loss of water, loss of body fat or adipose tissue, minerals, muscle or connective tissue, meat mass is lost for many reasons.
The purpose of running in a raincoat is to lose weight by reducing the amount of water in the body through perspiration. Because in humans up to 70% is water, so reducing water is the way to force weight in the shortest time.
Some actual studies have given specific numbers to prove this method that, in an hour of jogging with a raincoat can help us lose up to 0.5kg. That means just 10 hours of running in a raincoat in a row and not drinking water can reduce 5kg.
In the human body, the liver, kidneys and a certain part of the body have the function of detoxifying, which will be eliminated by sweat glands. When exercising vigorously, such as running, the body produces heat, and wearing a raincoat helps keep body heat from escaping. This heat will stimulate the sweat glands, causing sweat to be secreted faster and more. Maybe in the sweat secreted there are toxins and excess fat, but in fact the amount of fat is very little, mainly the weight loss is still due to the loss of water in the body.
The body has a mechanism to self-regulate body temperature to a safe normal level to protect muscles through sweating. Wearing a raincoat will cause the body temperature to rise uncontrollably, forcing circulation and heart rate to increase to maintain body temperature to help burn more calories.
This weight loss method is mainly applied to athletes competing in weight classes such as: Weightlifting, boxing, wrestling, ... when they need to squeeze weight in a very short time to pass the test. Check the qualifying weight for the competition. But after the test they will drink water and the weight will immediately return to the way it was.

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Mặc áo mưa chạy bộ phù hợp với đối tượng cần ép cân trong thời gian ngắn như vận động viên

2. How dangerous is running in a raincoat?

Running in a raincoat can not only lose weight but also help lose weight in the shortest time. But this way does not help to lose weight sustainably, especially it is very harmful to your health, causing you to experience diseases such as:
Epilepsy: After the body suddenly loses too much water in a short time, it will cause the body to lose weight. may be disordered, imbalanced, the body does not have enough water reserves to provide energy for muscle activity. Nerves and muscles will also lose control, leading to the risk of dangerous epilepsy. Cerebral edema: When the body is in a state of severe water shortage, to balance it, it will have to immediately add a large amount of water continuously. Therefore, the cells in the body must swell to receive water, causing edema. In particular, cells can be broken due to overload, even more dangerous when it is cells in the brain. Kidney failure: The main function of the kidneys is to help people excrete toxins and waste products from the blood and the necessary material to maintain it is water. When people are dehydrated, the kidneys do not have enough fluid to carry out the elimination of toxins, leading to kidney failure which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. Coma: Rapid dehydration will make people immediately dizzy, dizzy when active, especially when standing up or sitting down suddenly. The human body will be in a state of fatigue, the mind is no longer alert and it will be easy to faint - coma. In the worst case, if not replenished in time, it can lead to death. Loss of electrolytes: Excessive sweating will cause the human body to lose a large amount of salts, which are electrolytes such as Na, Ca, Ka, Mg, ... because it can be excreted in sweat. Skin diseases: For a long time when the skin is in contact with the raincoat in the situation of high body temperature, it can cause irritation such as: Itching, blistering, red skin,... Besides, sweat When secreted, it cannot evaporate, but remains inside the raincoat, causing unpleasant odors.
In short, the raincoat running method can help you lose weight quickly. But this way will not bring sustainable results and is very harmful to the health of the performer.
Therefore, successful weight loss is the result of a long process when combining regular exercise and a healthy, reasonable diet. Making sure the calories you take in are less than the calories you burn when you do sports and daily activities, that's a healthy and sustainable way to lose weight.

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