Tazoretin cream uses

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Tazoretin cream is commonly used for the topical treatment of acne, cystic or pustular conditions in patients over 12 years of age. Before and during the use of Tazoretin topical cream, patients need to adhere to the correct dosage and frequency of medication prescribed by the doctor to quickly overcome the acne situation.

1. What is Tazoretin Cream?

Tazoretin is a topical acne medication, used in patients over 12 years of age. This is a product of Me Di Sun Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, which is made in the form of a transparent, smooth gel and is contained in a tube made of aluminum. Tazoretin cream for hidden acne contains the main active ingredient is adapalene (in the form of retinoid), which has the ability to eliminate acne thanks to the principle of breaking the acne nucleus and affecting the abnormal process of keratinization and differentiation of the facial expression. envelope. The physical properties of adapalene are that it is stable to oxygen and light, and does not participate in any chemical reactions. Some studies show that the active ingredient adapalene in Tazoretin cream has anti-inflammatory and acne-killing effects by converting arachidonic acid into proinflammatory mediators and responding to polymorphonuclear leukocyte activity. In terms of pharmacokinetics, the active ingredient adapalene has the following properties:
Absorption: According to the test results, adapalene is poorly absorbed through the skin. Distribution: Adapalene is normally distributed into body tissues, mainly in the liver. Metabolism: Most adapalene is metabolized by hydroxylation, O-demethylation, and conjugation. Elimination: The major route of elimination of adapalene is via bile. The bioavailability of the active ingredient adapalene when applied to the skin is not conclusive. This is because plasma concentrations of adapalene were not detected in a sensitivity analysis of 0.15 ng/ml in cases where a certain amount of the active substance was applied to a large area of ​​the skin.
Tazoretin cream is packaged in a box of 1 tube of 10g, 15g or 30g. In each tube of Tazoretin cream includes the following ingredients:
Main active ingredient: Adapalene 15mg / 30g gel. Other excipients: Carbomer 940, methylparaben, disodium EDTA, propylparaben, propylene glycol, sodium hydroxide and purified water.

2. Indications of cream Tazoretin

Tazoretin cream is a prescription drug, usually prescribed by doctors for the following cases:
Topical treatment of acne conditions for patients 12 years of age and older. Treats acne that appears on areas such as the back, chest and face. Treat acne with many nuclei and lumps. Treat pustules.

3. Dosage and how to use Tazoretin cream

3.1 Dosage of Tazoretin Cream People with acne conditions can apply a thin layer of Tazoretin cream on the skin to be treated about once a day. The drug should be applied in the evening, after the patient has gently cleaned the acne-prone skin. When applying the cream, avoid contact with the skin around the lips, eyes and mucous membranes.
Immediately after applying Tazoretin cream, you may notice a transient burning or stinging sensation. According to the doctor's recommendation, to achieve the best treatment effect, you should avoid exposing the skin that has just applied the medicine to direct sunlight. In addition, you can also use extra moisturizer to reduce irritation or dryness.
Tazoretin cream is for topical use only on the skin, absolutely do not drink, put in the eyes or use vaginally. In the event that the therapeutic effect is not clearly seen after using Tazoretin cream for about 12 weeks, the patient should inform the doctor to reevaluate the treatment.
Note that the recommended dosage above is for reference only. You can discuss with your doctor to determine the specific dose of cream suitable for your condition, avoiding self-medication without the consent of a specialist.
3.2 How to use Tazoretin cream Before applying Tazoretin cream on acne-prone skin, you need to wash and dry your skin with an antiseptic towel or paper. Then, apply a layer of cream just enough to the skin to be treated, combined with gentle massage in a spiral direction so that the cream penetrates more evenly and later on the skin.
3.3 What to do in case of overdose or missed dose of Tazoretin? Tazoretin cream should be used exactly as recommended by your doctor, if taken in excess, it can cause a red rash, peeling skin or an uncomfortable reaction on the skin. On the other hand, the overdose of adapalene in Tazoretin not only does not improve the acne on the skin, but also leads to the same side effects as vitamin A overdose, such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach upset,...
If you notice the appearance of skin reactions after an overdose of Tazoretin, you need to gently wash the treated area with warm water or mild soap. , then adjust the dose or stop the medication. It is best to inform your doctor for optimal treatment.
If you miss a dose of Tazoretin, try to apply it as soon as possible. However, when it is too close to the time for your next dose, you should skip the missed dose and apply the cream according to your treatment plan, avoiding a double dose.

4. Contraindications to the use of Tazoretin cream

Tazoretin cream for hidden acne should not be used in the following cases:
People who are allergic to adapalene or sensitive to any of the excipients of the drug. Avoid giving Tazoretin to patients with severe acne. Tazoretin topical cream should not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years of age. Tazoretin cream is not indicated for use in people with eczema, pseudomembranous colitis, chronic colitis or inflammation of the small intestine.

5. Some side effects when using Tazoretin cream

While using Tazoretin cream to treat acne, you may experience some common to rare side effects, including:
Common side effects: Burning at the application site, rash , skin irritation. Uncommon side effects: Dry skin, redness, contact dermatitis, increased sebum secretion, itching, scaling, rash or sunburn. Rare side effects: Irritation, dermatitis, eyelid inflammation, eyelid itching, herpes infection, burning sensation on the skin, nosebleeds, loss of skin pigmentation, hypothyroidism, headache, nausea, gastroenteritis, swelling of the skin surface,...

6. Some notes when treating acne with Tazoretin cream

6.1 Precautions for Tazoretin Cream In case of severe irritation or sensitization, you need to stop using Tazoretin cream immediately. If a local reaction occurs and is controlled thereafter, the patient may continue to take the drug but less often than before, or temporarily stop taking it until the symptoms disappear completely.
When using Tazoretin to treat hidden acne, it is necessary to avoid contact with the corner of the nose, eyes, mouth and mucous membranes. If the product accidentally gets on the above areas, you need to wash it off immediately with warm water. In addition, avoid using this cream on areas with eczema, sunburn, or abrasions, nor should Tazoretin be used on patients with extensive severe acne.
The product contains parabens and propylene, so it may cause allergies or skin irritation. During the treatment with Tazoretin cream, you also need to limit the exposure of the acne-affected skin to ultraviolet rays.
6.2 Interactions Tazoretin Cream with Other Drugs Currently, there are no scientific reports of interactions occurring when using other drugs and Tazoretin cream simultaneously on the skin. However, you should avoid using this cream at the same time as other products that contain retinoids or have the same mechanism of action. Because the active ingredient adapalene in Tazoretin cream is poorly absorbed through the skin, it does not interact with other systemic oral medications. Besides, you can also use oral antibiotics and birth control pills at the same time with Tazoretin without worrying about interactions.
In some cases, Tazoretin cream may cause mild local irritation when used in conjunction with strong drying agents, detergents, alcohol-containing products, fragranced products or astringents. If you are taking anti-inflammatory drugs (erythromycin 4%), clindamycin phosphate or benzoyl peroxide gel, use them in the morning and apply Tazoretin cream at night to avoid increasing/decreasing concentrations of each other.
Tazoretin cream needs to be stored at a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius, avoid freezing when transporting or storing. In addition, you need to store the medicine in a place away from direct light, discreet, dry and out of reach of small children.

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