What is Kalowog? Dosage and side effects

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Kalowog drug belongs to the group of drugs to treat parasites, against infections, viruses, fungi, ... Patients with hepatitis B, HIV or people needing HIV prevention are prescribed to use this drug. When taking the drug, some side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, rash, ... may occur.

1. What is Kalowog drug?

Kalowog medicine has the ingredient Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300mg and other active ingredients. This is a group of drugs that treat parasites, antifungals, antivirals, and anti-bacterials.
Kalowog is indicated for use in the following cases:
In combination with other antiretroviral drugs (not used alone) to treat HIV type 1 infection in adults; In combination with other antiretroviral drugs for the prevention of HIV infection after contact with a high-risk patient; Treatment of chronic hepatitis B in adults who are resistant to lamivudine. Kalowog is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate or other ingredients contained in the drug.

2. Dosage of Kalowog

In conventional treatment:
HIV-infected patients: 1 tablet x 1 time/day, in combination with other antiretroviral drugs; Prophylaxis of HIV infection after occupational exposure: 1 tablet x 1 time/day, in combination with other antiretroviral drugs. Preferably within a few hours of exposure to the risk factor, continue for the next 4 weeks if tolerated; Prophylaxis of non-occupational HIV infection: 1 tablet x 1 time/day, in combination with at least 2 other antiretroviral drugs. Take the drug is best within 72 hours, continue to use for the next 28 days; Patients with chronic hepatitis B: 1 tablet x 1 time/day for more than 48 weeks.

Liều dùng thuốc Kalowog cần được sử dụng theo đúng chỉ định của bác sĩ điều trị
Liều dùng thuốc Kalowog cần được sử dụng theo đúng chỉ định của bác sĩ điều trị

For special cases:
Patients with impaired liver function: No need to adjust the dose; Patients on hemodialysis: Take the drug 7 days apart or 12 hours after hemodialysis; Patients with renal impairment: Adjust dose depending on creatinine clearance. Specifically: Creatinine clearance ≥ 50ml/min: Take the drug at the usual dose once/day; Creatinine clearance 30-40ml/min: Dosing every 48 hours; Creatinine clearance 10 - 29ml/min: Dose every 72 - 96 hours. When using Kalowog drug overdose, the patient should be monitored for signs of toxicity. If necessary, the patient will be applied basic supportive measures such as hemodialysis.

If a dose is missed, the patient should use it as soon as possible (within 1-2 hours compared to the time ordered by the doctor, the medicine can still be taken). However, if the missed dose is detected close to the time for the next dose, the patient should skip the missed dose and take the next dose at the prescribed time. Patients should be careful not to double the prescribed dose.

3. Kalowog . drug side effects

The use of Kalowog medicine may cause some side effects such as:
Side effects on the gastrointestinal tract: Nausea and vomiting, indigestion, flatulence, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, diarrhea, ... ; Hypophosphataemia; Amylase levels may be elevated, pancreatitis; Increased blood triglyceride levels and liver enzymes; Hyperglycemia, lack of neutrophils; Lactic acidosis, associated with hepatomegaly, fatty liver ; Other side effects: Headache, dizziness, insomnia, weakness, depression, sweating, myalgia, peripheral neuropathy,...

Người bệnh có thể gặp tình trạng đau đầu do tác dụng phụ của thuốc gây ra
Người bệnh có thể gặp tình trạng đau đầu do tác dụng phụ của thuốc gây ra

4. Be careful when using Kalowog

The drug can cause proliferation of adipose tissue, leading to mammary gland enlargement, abdominal obesity, anterior - posterior neck hypertrophy, peripheral nerve damage,...; Effects on bones: The simultaneous use of Kalowog with some other antiretroviral drugs can reduce the mineral density of the lumbar spine, increase the concentration of parathyroid hormone in the blood,...; Increased liver function abnormalities in patients with a history of liver dysfunction; Exacerbation of severe HBV infection in HIV-infected patients upon discontinuation of therapy; May cause immune activation syndrome in patients with severe HIV infection, exacerbation of inflammatory symptoms such as retinitis, pneumonia,...; Pregnant women are advised not to take the drug. Women being treated with Kalowog should not breast-feed; The drug can cause dizziness, so caution should be exercised when driving or operating machinery. When prescribed Kalowog drug, patients need to inform their doctor about their own health status, medical history, allergies, pregnancy or lactation,... If experiencing any of the following: Unwanted side effects, patients also need to immediately report to the doctor for timely treatment intervention.

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