How to make fried beef with eggs

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If you still wonder what to eat today? Then, please immediately refer to how to make stir-fried beef with eggs for the whole family to enjoy. Beef and eggs are both easy to find ingredients, simple to make, high nutritional value, very good for health. The combination of these two ingredients creates a dish that is not only delicious but also extremely nutritious that many people love.

1. Ingredients for stir-fried beef with eggs (for 4 people)

Beef: 150g Eggs: 5 Green Onions: 2 Spices: Salt: 1 teaspoon Sugar: 1⁄2 teaspoon Sesame oil: 1 teaspoon White wine: 1 teaspoon Pepper : 1 teaspoon Fish sauce: 1 teaspoon Baking soda: 1/3 teaspoon Cornstarch: 1 tablespoon

Nguyên liệu của món thịt bò xào trứng rất đơn giản và dễ kiếm
Nguyên liệu của món thịt bò xào trứng rất đơn giản và dễ kiếm
2. How to make stir-fried beef with eggs for 4 people Step 1: Preliminary preparation of ingredients for stir-fried beef with eggs.
Beef: thinly sliced, small enough to eat. Marinate beef with spices: cornstarch, baking soda, alcohol, sesame oil, fish sauce, sugar (the number of spices as mentioned above). Stir well to infuse the beef with spices for about 30 minutes. Green onions: finely chopped. Eggs: Break into a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of filtered water, beat until all the eggs are fluffy. Step 2: How to make beef stir-fry with eggs
First, put the pan on the stove, when the stove is hot, add a little cooking oil to the boil. Add the beef and stir fry for about 1 minute. Then add the beef to the bowl of beaten eggs, add green onions, stir well. In the same pan, add the oil. When the oil is hot, fry the eggs. When the eggs are dry, turn over the eggs until smooth. Once the eggs are cooked, turn off the heat, sprinkle with pepper and serve on a plate. Step 3: Present and Enjoy
Now enjoy the results. Fried beef with eggs is great to eat with hot rice, moreover, if left to cool, the eggs will be fishy, ​​so enjoy while the delicious dish is still hot. Wish you delicious!

Trứng nguội sẽ bị tanh, nên bạn hãy thưởng thức món thịt bò xào trứng khi còn nóng sốt.
Trứng nguội sẽ bị tanh, nên bạn hãy thưởng thức món thịt bò xào trứng khi còn nóng sốt.
Should choose beef with bright red color, yellow fat, white veins, high elasticity. Beef should not be selected with a pale green color, with round white spots in the middle of the meat fibers and with a fishy smell. When cooking scrambled eggs for your baby, you can mince the beef instead of slicing it. It is recommended to add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda when marinating to make the beef tender, absorb the flavor and cook faster. If you don't like the taste of white wine, you may not use this ingredient. Because both beef and eggs are very easy to cook, you just need to stir-fry quickly and then turn off the heat, avoiding frying for too long will make the meat dry and lose its taste. If you like spicy food, you can add a little chili sauce. Just through 3 steps with how to make a simple stir-fried beef with eggs above, you have a delicious and attractive beef fried egg dish. It doesn't take much time to prepare, so you can still prepare and cook nutritious meals to take care of the whole family even when busy. Please follow our website ( for more information on nutrition and health care, which we will update regularly.

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