Should you freeze eggs?

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Eggs are a very popular food in every meal, however, the cold storage time of eggs is quite short, about 3 to 5 weeks. So, is the preservation of eggs by freezing safe for users?

1. Frozen Chicken Eggs

Not all but some types of eggs can be stored frozen. According to both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), raw chicken eggs should never be frozen.
When a raw egg freezes, the liquid inside expands and it can cause the shell to crack. As a result, the internal components of the egg can be easily damaged and increase the risk of bacterial infection. In addition, by freezing raw eggs, the texture of the eggshells may be negatively affected. Because at this point, the egg yolk becomes thick and gel-like. This can make them more difficult to use in cooking or lose water after being defrosted.
Boiled eggs (hard or soft) are also not recommended for freezing. This is because egg whites can become pliable and watery when defrosted. However, there are several types of eggs that can still be safely frozen for human consumption including:
Raw egg whites Raw egg yolks Whole raw eggs removed from the shell and whipped Egg dishes cooked

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Không phải tất cả mà chỉ có một số loại trứng gà có thể được bảo quản đông lạnh

2. Effect of freezing process on components of chicken eggs

Chicken eggs consist of two parts, the white and the yolk. Both of these ingredients have different reactions when frozen.
2.1. Texture Freezing and defrosting egg whites after they have been cooked should not cause any noticeable texture change. Because they are mainly composed of water and protein. However, for raw egg whites, it is possible to improve its foaming ability. This is an important property that can be used to create baked goods such as cakes, ice cream...
Some studies have shown that frozen raw egg whites cause some of their proteins are deformed and/or lose shape. This result also indicates that egg whites after freezing and thawing have better foaming properties. In contrast, when raw egg yolks are frozen, they develop a gel-like consistency. This state is known as gelatinization. Some studies suggest that gelatinization is the result of ice crystals forming in egg yolks.
However, egg yolks can still be frozen by adding sugar or salt before freezing. This has been shown to improve the texture of yolks when thawed and cooked by preventing this gelation.
Egg yolks also freeze well when first combined with frozen preserved egg whites. The result is a fine texture that can be used to make dishes like scrambled eggs and casseroles.
2.2. Taste Although freezing is not likely to affect the taste of raw eggs or cooked eggs. But any ingredients added in the processing methods can make them different. For example, raw yolks can taste slightly sweet or salty depending on whether they are mixed with sugar or salt before freezing. Additionally, commercially frozen egg products may add preservatives or other ingredients that can affect flavor.

3. How to freeze different types of eggs

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Trứng sống có thể bảo quản đông lạnh đến 12 tháng
Although it is not recommended to freeze raw eggs in their shells. But you can still freeze raw egg yolks and whites either separately or mixed. In addition, cooked egg dishes such as casseroles and quiches can be safely frozen.
Raw eggs can be frozen for up to 12 months, while cooked egg dishes should be thawed and reheated within 2 to 3 months
3.1. Whole eggs To freeze whole eggs, first break each egg and put it in a bowl to mix. Then, beat lightly until the egg yolks and whites are completely combined. Next, pour the mixture into a container and store it. For easy thawing and cooking, it is recommended to store each egg individually. At the same time, for the purpose of ensuring food safety, the preserved egg cartons should be marked with the date of storage and the number of eggs pasted on the outside of the box.
3.2. Egg whites Separate the eggs to get the whites, then pour the egg whites one at a time into an ice tray or small box with compartments. Each box of preserved eggs should be labeled on the outside with the date of storage and the number of egg whites preserved.
3.3. Egg yolks To freeze egg yolks separate the yolks from the whites, then put all the yolks in a small bowl and gently beat the yolks until they are completely combined. For every 4 egg yolks, add 1/4 teaspoon salt or 1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar for whipped yolks. Mix well to combine. Pour the entire mixture into a safe storage container and label the storage date and number of yolks stored. The label should note if there is added salt or sugar.
3.4. Cooked Eggs To freeze cooked egg dishes such as casseroles or quiches begins by refrigerating the cooked item to room temperature. The purpose is to prevent the growth of bacteria. Because, bacteria can grow at a temperature of about 5 degrees Celsius.
After cooling, the cooked egg dish is covered with a tight lid and stored in a sealed container. Or can freeze individual portions. This will facilitate defrosting and reheating after freezing.
While raw eggs can be frozen for up to 1 year, cooked egg dishes should only be stored frozen for up to 2 to 3 months.

4. How to defrost and use frozen eggs

Both raw and cooked eggs should be defrosted and then fully cooked to 71 degrees Celsius before eating to reduce the risk of foodborne illness that can cause food poisoning for users.
To defrost, simply place raw or cooked eggs in the refrigerator and leave overnight. Or, if the eggs are stored in a completely sealed container, you can place the egg carton under cold running water to defrost. Raw eggs, egg yolks, and egg whites should be cooked days after being thawed.

5. Some ways to use frozen raw eggs

Có thể sử dụng trứng gà đông lạnh để làm các loại đồ nướng như bánh quy, bánh ngọt
Có thể sử dụng trứng gà đông lạnh để làm các loại đồ nướng như bánh quy, bánh ngọt
Some ways to use frozen raw eggs include:
Saute eggs with cheese and vegetables Use eggs in a casserole breakfast Bake eggs into a quiche or frittata Use eggs to make baked goods like cookies, cakes or muffins For cooked egg dishes, reheat the quiche or casserole in the oven. However, if egg portions are frozen individually, they can be defrosted overnight and then reheated in the microwave.
Raw eggs should not be frozen with the shell intact, but freezing the whites and yolks separately is a convenient solution to making recipes. And the yolk needs to be whipped before freezing. Plus, frozen eggs are best used in dishes like scrambled eggs, quiches or baked goods.
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Reference source:
How many eggs per week is enough to eat eggs how is it reasonable? Nutritional composition of chicken eggs
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