FAQ: What is the common cause of earache, headache with swelling of the tooth root?

Dear doctor, I am 18 years old, have swollen teeth, earache, headache with noise in my jaw. Dear doctor, what is the swelling of the root of the tooth and how to cure it. Thank you doctor for the advice.
Le Thanh Phong (2001)
Hello. In order to know what root swelling is, you should see a Dental - Jaw - Face and Ear - Nose - Throat doctor to evaluate the condition of your teeth and have an otoscopy for you.
When you are 18 years old, wisdom teeth start to come in. Therefore, you need to examine and take a film to assess the status of wisdom teeth most accurately. You can go to a hospital of Vinmec Health System to register for an examination and get in-depth advice from qualified doctors.
Thank you for trusting and sharing your concerns with Vinmec. Best regards.
Answered by Dentist - Jaw - Facial - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

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