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Articles in Vein

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Indications and drugs to treat varicose veins of the legs
The consequence of varicose veins of the legs is to increase the pressure inside the leg veins and cause clinical manifestations. The treatment for varicose veins in the legs can be sclerotherapy, surgery or medication,... So what drugs are indicated for the treatment of varicose veins in the legs?
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Some points on anatomy and segmentation of liver lobes
The liver is a large organ that plays an important role in the digestive system. The liver is located in the peritoneum, located in the upper layer of the transverse mesentery, the right subdiaphragmatic cell but partially encroaching on the left inferior diaphragmatic and epigastric space. They have the function of detoxification, metabolism of glucide, protid, lipid..
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Esophageal varices in patients with cirrhosis
Esophageal varices is a very common syndrome in patients with cirrhosis, accounting for up to 50% of patients. It is noteworthy that the mortality risk of patients with esophageal varices in the presence of cirrhosis ranges from 40 to 70%, depending on the degree of liver failure.
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Superior vena cava syndrome: What you need to know
The superior vena cava is one of the main veins in the body that carries blood from the head, neck, upper chest and arms to the heart. Superior vena cava syndrome, also known as superior vena cava syndrome, occurs when a cancerous tumor or blood clot restricts blood flow in the vein. this.
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Development and treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities
Venous insufficiency of the lower extremities worldwide accounts for a significant proportion, of which women account for 70%. Although the disease can be less dangerous, it can cause tight calves, heaviness and fatigue in the legs, night cramps, crawling sensations, sores, and even soft tissue infections near the ankles.
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Laser treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities
Varicose veins of the lower extremities progress silently, can cause complications such as superficial vein thrombosis and deep vein thrombosis, causing pain and edema of the lower extremities. Pathological causes may be related to genetic factors, occupations requiring long standing, sitting a lot, sedentary ...
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Can varicose veins not be treated with only exercise and acupuncture?
Hello doctor! I have deep venous insufficiency in my right leg and superficial venous insufficiency in both legs. The doctor ordered me to burn the great saphenous vein with RFA. But insurance does not cover this item. I don't have enough money. So if I don't have treatment, can I just exercise regularly and have acupuncture? Please advise, thank you!
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Surgical treatment of deep vein thrombosis
Currently, deep vein thrombosis is usually treated with the use of anticoagulants. However, with this medical treatment, the disease cannot be cured completely. Therefore, many patients are indicated for surgical treatment of deep vein thrombosis after anticoagulation has failed.
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Deep vein thrombosis (blood clot) is usually located in which part?
Deep vein thrombosis is a disease caused by a blood clot that causes a venous thrombosis. The disease can lead to life-threatening pulmonary embolism.
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Superficial vein thrombosis: What you need to know
Superficial vein thrombosis is a condition in which a blood clot forms in a superficial vein. The patient will feel a dull pain, redness and swelling in the corresponding superficial vein. It is important to detect and treat the disease early before it causes other dangerous complications.
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Is deep vein insufficiency dangerous?
According to statistics, in the world, deep vein insufficiency accounts for a relatively high proportion of the population and tends to increase gradually with age. The disease needs to be detected and treated early, because the complications of the disease can be life-threatening.
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