Home Tag Ultrasound in 2 planes

Articles in Ultrasound in 2 planes

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Types of echocardiography
Echocardiography is a basic technique and provides a lot of valuable information in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Clinical practice often uses the following types of ultrasound (ultrasound mode).
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The role of echocardiography in cardiac surgery
Heart surgery is one of the effective treatments for heart disease. In cardiac surgery, echocardiography plays an extremely important role, affecting surgical indications, surgical techniques, postoperative evaluation, and recovery monitoring.
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The role of echocardiography in the diagnosis of valvular heart disease
Heart valve disease often has no obvious symptoms, most causes are congenital, a few are acquired. Echocardiography plays a very important role in the diagnosis of valvular heart disease. If detected and intervened late, the disease can cause dangerous complications such as myocardial infarction, heart failure.
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Emergency bedside echocardiography in resuscitated patients
Siêu âm tim cấp cứu tại giường người bệnh hồi sức là kỹ thuật cần thiết giúp cho các bác sĩ chẩn đoán nhanh một số rối loạn tim mạch và từ đó đưa ra phương pháp điều trị hiệu quả hơn.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics