Home Tag Treatment of congenital heart disease

Articles in Treatment of congenital heart disease

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Do all congenital heart defects require surgery?
Some congenital heart defects are easily treated without surgery. The choice of congenital heart surgery method or not depends on the type and severity of the patient's heart defect.
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Indications and timing of congenital heart surgery
According to statistics, for every 1,000 babies born, there are 8 children with congenital heart disease. If there is no indication and timely congenital heart surgery, it can cause serious effects on the health of the child, even death.
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Some principles in the treatment of congenital heart disease
Congenital heart disease is an anatomical defect in the heart and circulatory system that develops during fetal life. Accordingly, in order for a child to live at birth, the body must have appropriate physiological responses. Therefore, the intervention to treat congenital heart disease needs to adhere to certain principles, suitable for physiological and hemodynamic functions, in order to create conditions for children to develop like children of the same age.
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How to take care of children with congenital heart disease?
Dear doctor. I want to ask about how to take care of a child with a congenital heart defect? Thank you doctor for helping me. Best regards.
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What are the common congenital heart diseases in newborns?
Hi doctor. Please tell me the common congenital heart diseases in newborns? Thank you doctor for helping me.
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If it is not detected in the fetal period, what are the symptoms of a child born with congenital heart disease?
Hi doctor. I would like to ask if it is not detected in the fetal period, what are the symptoms of a child born with congenital heart disease? Thank you doctor for helping me.
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When is the best time for congenital heart surgery for a 4.5-month-old baby?
My nephew was born 4.5 months, at birth was 3.1kg to now 4.1kg. I have a congenital heart disease, when is the best time to have congenital heart surgery for a 4.5-month-old child? Should I have surgery in the hospital? Or switch to central.
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How are congenital heart defects diagnosed?
Dị tật tim bẩm sinh ở trẻ sơ sinh là bệnh hoặc được chẩn đoán trước ngay khi sinh đối với bệnh nặng hoặc khi trẻ lớn lên với một số bệnh nhẹ hơn. Chẩn đoán thường dựa vào thăm khám lâm sàng và các xét nghiệm tim mạch.
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Signs you need to take your child to a cardiologist
Trẻ em mắc bệnh tim mạch nếu không được khám và điều trị sớm, bệnh có thể dẫn đến những ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng cho sức khỏe về sau này, thậm chí có nguy cơ gây tử vong. Vậy dấu hiệu nào cần tiến hành khám tim mạch cho trẻ em?
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Learn how to open heart surgery to treat ventricular septal defect
Ventricular septal defect is a congenital heart disease that appears abnormally from birth. Children with this malformation are often slow to grow and have many dangerous complications if not treated early.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics