What are the common congenital heart diseases in newborns?

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Hello doctor. Please tell me the common congenital heart diseases in newborns? Thank you doctor for helping me.
Anonymous question
Hello . Signs of congenital heart disease in newborns are shown as follows:
Postpartum manifestations:
The baby is purple, when crying will become more purple, restless sleep, sucking less or giving up sucking Breathing is difficult and tired, lips Congenital heart signs in the group of children manifest later: Children from 3 months and older:
Poor feeding, poor appetite, growth retardation, slow weight gain Slow growth due to lack of oxygen, rapid breathing, cyanosis When the child has the following symptoms: With this sign, you need to take your child to the hospital for examination and specific treatment.
You can also register for an examination at a Cardiology hospital/clinic under Vinmec Health System to be examined by qualified doctors and given a timely treatment plan.
Thank you for trusting and sharing your concerns and questions "Common congenital heart diseases in babies?" to Vinmec. Best regards.
Answered by Associate Professor, Doctor, Doctor Vu Minh Phuc - Pediatric Cardiologist at Vinmec Saigon International Clinic
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