If it is not detected in the fetal period, what are the symptoms of a child born with congenital heart disease?

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Hello doctor. I would like to ask if it is not detected in the fetal period, what are the symptoms of a child born with congenital heart disease? Thank you doctor for helping me.
Thu Linh (1987)
Hello. Manifestations of simple congenital anomalies, symptoms appear late after birth 2-3 months
Simple congenital heart disease manifestations:
Shortness of breath The child may be purple Slow growth, weight gain Expression complex congenital heart disease:
Expression soon after birth: Quitting breastfeeding, fussing Crimson very soon Difficulty breathing Tired breathing Sweating, may have to take the baby to the emergency room You need to monitor the baby and should bring the baby to the hospital when there are signs to be examined and treated promptly. You can register for an examination at a hospital of Vinmec Health System to receive advice on the direction of congenital heart treatment for children by qualified doctors.
Thank you for trusting and sharing your concerns and questions with the question "If not detected in the fetal period, what are the symptoms of a child born with congenital heart disease?" to Vinmec. Best regards.
Answered by Associate Professor, Doctor, Doctor Vu Minh Phuc - Pediatric Cardiologist at Vinmec Saigon International Clinic
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