Home Tag Short bowel syndrome

Articles in Short bowel syndrome

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Norditropin Flexpro: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Growth retardation, weight loss or emaciation are signs of growth hormone deficiency. In addition to a complete diet, patients need to use somatropin supplements with Norditropin Flexpro drug product. So what is this drug and how does it work?
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Uses of Aminosteril
Aminosteril is indicated for the treatment and prevention of plasma protein deficiency. Before using Aminosteril, patients should carefully consult the doctor's recommendations about the benefits and risks of using this drug, especially those with kidney failure, congestive heart failure, pregnant women, etc. ..
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Uses of Vaminolact
Vaminolact is used to provide amino acids in protein synthesis, to provide taurine in infants... This is an parenteral nutrition product that regulates water, electrolytes and acid-base balance. So what is the use of Vaminolact?
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Uses of Aminoplasmal 10
Aminoplasmal 10 is an infusion that provides amino acids as a substrate for protein synthesis during parenteral nutrition. So how should Aminoplasmal 10 be used effectively?
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Uses of Vinphatex
Vinphatex has the main ingredient is Cimetidine 200 mg, belongs to the group of anti-histamine H2 receptor drugs. Vinphatex drug is commonly used in cases of peptic ulcer disease and symptoms or diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract. Necessary information such as ingredients, uses, doses and side effects of Vinphatex medicine will help patients improve treatment effectiveness.
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Short bowel syndrome: causes, symptoms
Small bowel resection (usually more than 2⁄3 of the length of the small intestine) reduces absorption causing short bowel syndrome. Symptoms vary from patient to patient depending on the length and function of the remaining small intestine, but diarrhea can be severe and malnutrition is common.
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Consequences of short bowel syndrome
Short bowel syndrome (SBS) occurs when the small intestine is no longer working properly due to injury, disease, or when too much of the small intestine is removed. SBS leads to inadequate absorption of nutrients and fluids as well as chronic diarrhea that occurs frequently.
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Care and nutrition for patients with short bowel syndrome
Short bowel syndrome is a group of symptoms that occur after a patient has surgically removed part of the intestine, the rest has not been able to adapt to ensure the function of the digestive system. Therefore, care and nutrition for patients with short bowel syndrome is extremely important to help patients recover quickly and still provide enough energy for the body.
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Treatment of dehydration in patients with short bowel syndrome
Achieving an adequate supply of fluids and electrolytes can be difficult in patients with ileostomy. It is even more difficult for people with short bowel syndrome (SBS). .
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Things to keep in mind when using Growth Hormone for patients with short bowel syndrome
Short bowel syndrome often occurs in people whose small intestine has been surgically removed in half or more, leaving the remaining length of intestine no more than 120cm, associated with poor absorption of nutrients.
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The role of somatropin in short bowel syndrome
An important goal when treating patients with short bowel syndrome (short bowel syndrome) requiring parenteral nutrition or fluid support is to reduce dependence on this support and completely eliminate the use of these drugs. whenever possible.
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