Home Tag Gallbladder surgery

Articles in Gallbladder surgery

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Are there drugs that inhibit the growth of gallbladder polyps? When is surgery indicated for gallbladder polyps?
Hello doctor, I have a gallbladder polyp of 4mm. Want to ask your doctor if there are medications that inhibit the growth of gallbladder polyps? When is surgery indicated for gallbladder polyps?
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Gastroesophageal reflux and often bloating, indigestion is caused by gallstones or not?
I went for an ultrasound with 37mm gallstones, the doctor advised urgent surgery because it was dangerous for a long time due to large stones, is this correct? I have acid reflux and bloating, indigestion is caused by gallstones or not? Ask your doctor for advice!
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Gallbladder surgery after 2 weeks of sex, will it affect the fetus if pregnant?
Hi doctor! Can I ask if gallbladder surgery after 2 weeks of sex affects the fetus if I get pregnant? Ask your doctor for advice and answers. Thank you sincerely!
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Signs of acute cholecystitis through 4 stages of progression
Acute cholecystitis is a common disease that can progress quickly through 4 stages, the main cause accounting for more than 95% is caused by gallstones. Patients mainly experience symptoms such as pain in the right upper quadrant, fever, digestive disorders, if not treated, in some people can progress and cause dangerous complications.
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Risk factors for sphincter of Oddi
Gallbladder function plays an important role in the sphincter of Oddi mechanism and patients without a gallbladder are more likely to have sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. Other potential factors for sphincter of Oddi dysfunction include female sex, hypothyroidism, irritable bowel syndrome, pre-existing pancreatitis, and exogenous medications.
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What is the function of bile?
Bile is secreted in hepatocytes and then enters the bile ducts into the second part of the duodenum (below the stomach) and participates in the digestion of food, especially the digestion of fats. Every day the body secretes about 600ml - 1 liter of bile.
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Possible problems after cholecystectomy
Cholecystectomy is mandatory for the treatment of gallbladder and biliary tract diseases. So is cholecystectomy safe, does it affect health?
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Quiz: Do you know what your gallbladder is like?
Gallbladder is an important organ but few people pay attention to it. If you still do not really understand what the gallbladder is and how it functions, the following quiz will help you consolidate and add useful knowledge related to this organ.
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How is male cholecystitis treated?
I have acute cholecystitis. Two months ago, I was treated in the hospital. I just went to the doctor to have an ultrasound to diagnose 9mm gallstones, now my health is stable. So the doctor told me how to treat men with cholecystitis? I thank the doctor.
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Are the symptoms of gallstones easy to recognize?
Gallstone disease (gallbladder or bile duct) is a common disease in Vietnam, with the risk of disease increasing gradually with age. The symptoms of gallstones are not obvious and are only discovered through periodic health examinations or when the stones have caused dangerous complications for the sufferer.
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Cholecystectomy in cancer treatment
Surgery to remove the gallbladder is a commonly used method to treat conditions such as gallstones, gallbladder polyps, or gallbladder cancer. The following article will introduce you to the cholecystectomy procedure in the treatment of cancer.
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