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Articles in Faint

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3 common symptoms and risk of sudden death of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a disease in which thickening of part or all of the heart muscle leads to a decrease in the heart's ability to pump blood. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy presents clinically characterized by three symptoms: chest pain, dyspnea, syncope. Sometimes, there are many cases where the disease has no obvious clinical signs. The disease poses a high risk of sudden death, especially in young people.
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People with low blood pressure easily faint
Fainting is a condition in which the body loses consciousness suddenly, in a short time, in the summer, people with low blood pressure are often prone to sudden fainting due to dehydration. Actively seeking knowledge on this issue is extremely necessary.
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Is fainting due to an abnormal heart?
Fainting or fainting is a common occurrence. Syncope is usually reversible after a while, as the brain regains circulation. Syncope is not a disease but a symptom of a disease.
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Syncope symptoms and tilt table test
Currently, many people still do not fully understand the concept of syncope and are not prepared for this condition. In fact, fainting, also known as unconsciousness, is a condition in which a patient loses consciousness for a short time due to low blood pressure that prevents blood from reaching the brain, or because the heart does not pump enough blood. oxygen to the brain.
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Syncope and tilt table test
Syncope is a temporary loss of consciousness due to total cerebral hypoperfusion with the following features: rapid onset, short duration, complete recovery.
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Is dizziness with syncope in people with high blood pressure dangerous?
My mother is dizzy these days. After a while, fainted. I went to the doctor and they said I had high blood pressure. After returning home for a few days, the face and hands and feet were swollen. I have to urinate a lot, but my head is still dizzy and there is a state of fainting. Doctor let me ask if dizziness and fainting in people with high blood pressure are dangerous
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First aid for people in shock
Có nhiều trạng thái sốc khác nhau, trong đó sốc tuần hoàn (gọi tắc là sốc) là bệnh lý do vận chuyển máu không cung cấp đủ cho các tế bào. Việc tiến hành các bước sơ cứu người bị sốc nhằm ngăn ngừa mất máu và giữ thân nhiệt cho nạn nhân là điều rất cần thiết.
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Who is at risk of fainting?
Ngất xỉu là hiện tượng phổ biến trong cuộc sống, xảy ra khi người bệnh bị mất ý thức do bộ não không nhận đủ oxy. Người bị ngất sẽ tự hồi phục sau khi não hồi phục hoàn toàn, mặc dù không nghiêm trọng nhưng người bệnh cần phải tìm hiểu nguyên nhân gây ngất xỉu để đề phòng các vấn đề bệnh lý khác.
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What is distributive shock?
Choáng do phân phối dịch là kháng lực mạch máu giảm nặng, vượt quá sự bù trừ của tình trạng tăng cung lượng tim. Choáng sẽ gây giảm tưới máu mô hệ thống, mất cân bằng cung và cầu oxy của mô, thiếu oxy cho mô.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics