People with low blood pressure easily faint

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The article was professionally consulted by Dr. Tran Quoc Tuan - Emergency Medicine Doctor - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
Fainting is a condition in which the body loses consciousness suddenly, in a short time, in the summer, people with low blood pressure are often prone to sudden fainting due to dehydration. Actively seeking knowledge on this issue is extremely necessary.

1. What is low blood pressure?

Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury, which is a measure of the force of the blood exerting on the artery walls, blood pressure when measured will be expressed as 2 numbers: diastolic pressure and systolic pressure.
Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, is a condition in which blood pressure is measured lower than normal, although it does not cause any effect on life, however, people with low blood pressure can have low blood pressure. There are a number of dangerous problems in the heart, nervous system and endocrine glands, making people more susceptible to sudden fainting, lightheadedness, in severe cases, low blood pressure can even be life-threatening. patient life.
Although each person has a different blood pressure reading, if the systolic blood pressure is less than 90 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or the diastolic blood pressure is less than 60 mmHg, it is considered low blood pressure.
Patients may have low blood pressure due to dehydration or serious disorders in the body, have medical diseases related to surgery. Once the cause of low blood pressure is found in the patient, the doctor will come up with a more effective treatment plan.

2. Signs of low blood pressure

In some special cases, low blood pressure can be a warning sign of some dangerous health problems in the patient, especially when blood pressure drops suddenly and is accompanied by the following signs:
Blurred eyes Nausea Lack of concentration Cold, moist, pale skin Depression Thirst Thirst Dizziness or lightheadedness Fainting (fainting) Rapid breathing and shallow breathing Fatigue Low blood pressure People with low blood pressure need regular medical monitoring. Periodically, if any unusual signs or symptoms are detected, the necessary tests should be carried out to accurately diagnose the health condition.

Người mắc huyết áp thấp thường có một số dấu hiệu như ngất xỉu, chóng mặt, mệt mỏi,...
Người mắc huyết áp thấp thường có một số dấu hiệu như ngất xỉu, chóng mặt, mệt mỏi,...

3. People with low blood pressure are at risk of fainting

Not only patients with high blood pressure are dangerous, but even people with low blood pressure are at risk of facing life-threatening dangers because when blood pressure drops low, it will increase the risk of sudden fainting. , the patient will fall on the road, be injured and especially dangerous for those who are driving the car, which can cause an accident and sudden death.
In addition, people with low blood pressure often experience fatigue, dizziness, pale face, sadness, sluggish mood, depression, and reduced ability to work.
When blood pressure drops suddenly and severely, the patient will show signs of vision loss, hearing loss and an increased rate of memory decline.

4. Guidelines for local management of low blood pressure

As soon as the patient has low blood pressure, the patient needs to find a cool place to lie down, so lie with the legs raised, the head low and drink a lot of water or ginger tea to increase the circulation volume.
In addition, when the patient has a drop in blood pressure leading to sudden fainting, first aid can be given by rubbing the temple acupoint, stroking the forehead, and pressing the Feng Shui point over and over again with increasing intensity and should be done. Do this movement about 20-50 times. When the patient is awake and the symptoms subside, help the patient sit up slowly and move the limbs for a few minutes before standing up.

Người bị huyết áp thấp nên đi khám chuyên khoa tim mạch tại các bệnh viện uy tín
Người bị huyết áp thấp nên đi khám chuyên khoa tim mạch tại các bệnh viện uy tín

5. How to treat low blood pressure?

In most cases, people with low blood pressure do not need to take medication, but lifestyle and dietary changes can help reduce the risk of the disease.
However, in the case of low blood pressure due to medical diseases, it is necessary to visit a specialist to treat according to the cause to help bring about a radical effect. In parallel with the measures to treat low blood pressure, patients need to adjust their daily diet so that it is scientific and reasonable, eat enough nutrients, drink more water, give up drinking habits. alcohol, smoking and avoiding sudden changes in position.
If symptoms of low blood pressure begin to occur while standing, perform thigh traction and compression, or place one foot on a rock or chair and lean forward to help encourage blood flow from the leg to the heart.
In addition, drinking a cup of coffee or tea with a temporary meal also has the effect of increasing the patient's blood pressure in some special cases. If fainting is frequent, the patient should go directly to the hospital to conduct the necessary tests, determine the exact cause of the fainting and treat it promptly, absolutely do not be subjective to the consequences. unexpected.
To help patients diagnose the cause of syncope and screen for cardiovascular diseases at risk, Vinmec International General Hospital now has a Cardiovascular Diagnostic Package - Diagnosis of Syncope. When registering for the package, customers can visit with leading doctors specializing in Cardiology; Perform the necessary tests to accurately diagnose the disease, thereby having the optimal treatment.
Doctor Tran Quoc Tuan has 12 years of experience at Vinh Long General Hospital, Gia Dinh People's Hospital, Nguyen Trai Hospital. Currently working as an Emergency Resuscitation Doctor at Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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